@ -296,12 +296,11 @@ void CSMWorld::ContainerRefIdAdapter::setData (const RefIdColumn *column, RefIdD
CSMWorld : : CreatureColumns : : CreatureColumns ( const ActorColumns & actorColumns )
: ActorColumns ( actorColumns ) ,
mType ( NULL ) ,
mSoul ( NULL ) ,
mScale ( NULL ) ,
mOriginal ( NULL ) ,
m Combat ( NULL ) ,
m Magic ( NULL ) ,
m Stealth ( NULL )
m Attributes ( NULL ) ,
m Attacks ( NULL ) ,
m Misc ( NULL )
{ }
CSMWorld : : CreatureRefIdAdapter : : CreatureRefIdAdapter ( const CreatureColumns & columns )
@ -317,23 +316,20 @@ QVariant CSMWorld::CreatureRefIdAdapter::getData (const RefIdColumn *column, con
if ( column = = mColumns . mType )
return record . get ( ) . mData . mType ;
if ( column = = mColumns . mSoul )
return record . get ( ) . mData . mSoul ;
if ( column = = mColumns . mScale )
return record . get ( ) . mScale ;
if ( column = = mColumns . mOriginal )
return QString : : fromUtf8 ( record . get ( ) . mOriginal . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( column = = mColumns . m Combat )
return static_cast < int > ( record . get ( ) . mData . mCombat ) ;
if ( column = = mColumns . m Attributes )
return true ; // Required to show nested tables in dialogue subview
if ( column = = mColumns . m Magic )
return static_cast < int > ( record . get ( ) . mData . mMagic ) ;
if ( column = = mColumns . m Attacks )
return true ; // Required to show nested tables in dialogue subview
if ( column = = mColumns . m Stealth )
return static_cast < int > ( record . get ( ) . mData . mStealth ) ;
if ( column = = mColumns . m Misc )
return true ; // Required to show nested items in dialogue subview
std : : map < const RefIdColumn * , unsigned int > : : const_iterator iter =
mColumns . mFlags . find ( column ) ;
@ -354,18 +350,10 @@ void CSMWorld::CreatureRefIdAdapter::setData (const RefIdColumn *column, RefIdDa
if ( column = = mColumns . mType )
creature . mData . mType = value . toInt ( ) ;
else if ( column = = mColumns . mSoul )
creature . mData . mSoul = value . toInt ( ) ;
else if ( column = = mColumns . mScale )
creature . mScale = value . toFloat ( ) ;
else if ( column = = mColumns . mOriginal )
creature . mOriginal = value . toString ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) . constData ( ) ;
else if ( column = = mColumns . mCombat )
creature . mData . mCombat = value . toInt ( ) ;
else if ( column = = mColumns . mMagic )
creature . mData . mMagic = value . toInt ( ) ;
else if ( column = = mColumns . mStealth )
creature . mData . mStealth = value . toInt ( ) ;
std : : map < const RefIdColumn * , unsigned int > : : const_iterator iter =
@ -964,6 +952,289 @@ int CSMWorld::NpcMiscRefIdAdapter::getNestedRowsCount(const RefIdColumn *column,
return 1 ; // fixed at size 1
CSMWorld : : CreatureAttributesRefIdAdapter : : CreatureAttributesRefIdAdapter ( )
{ }
void CSMWorld : : CreatureAttributesRefIdAdapter : : addNestedRow ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
RefIdData & data , int index , int position ) const
// Do nothing, this table cannot be changed by the user
void CSMWorld : : CreatureAttributesRefIdAdapter : : removeNestedRow ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
RefIdData & data , int index , int rowToRemove ) const
// Do nothing, this table cannot be changed by the user
void CSMWorld : : CreatureAttributesRefIdAdapter : : setNestedTable ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
RefIdData & data , int index , const NestedTableWrapperBase & nestedTable ) const
Record < ESM : : Creature > & record =
static_cast < Record < ESM : : Creature > & > ( data . getRecord ( RefIdData : : LocalIndex ( index , UniversalId : : Type_Creature ) ) ) ;
ESM : : Creature creature = record . get ( ) ;
// store the whole struct
creature . mData =
static_cast < const NestedTableWrapper < std : : vector < typename ESM : : Creature : : NPDTstruct > > & > ( nestedTable ) . mNestedTable . at ( 0 ) ;
record . setModified ( creature ) ;
CSMWorld : : NestedTableWrapperBase * CSMWorld : : CreatureAttributesRefIdAdapter : : nestedTable ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
const RefIdData & data , int index ) const
const Record < ESM : : Creature > & record =
static_cast < const Record < ESM : : Creature > & > ( data . getRecord ( RefIdData : : LocalIndex ( index , UniversalId : : Type_Creature ) ) ) ;
// return the whole struct
std : : vector < typename ESM : : Creature : : NPDTstruct > wrap ;
wrap . push_back ( record . get ( ) . mData ) ;
// deleted by dtor of NestedTableStoring
return new NestedTableWrapper < std : : vector < typename ESM : : Creature : : NPDTstruct > > ( wrap ) ;
QVariant CSMWorld : : CreatureAttributesRefIdAdapter : : getNestedData ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
const RefIdData & data , int index , int subRowIndex , int subColIndex ) const
const Record < ESM : : Creature > & record =
static_cast < const Record < ESM : : Creature > & > ( data . getRecord ( RefIdData : : LocalIndex ( index , UniversalId : : Type_Creature ) ) ) ;
const ESM : : Creature creature = record . get ( ) ;
if ( subColIndex = = 0 )
return subRowIndex ;
else if ( subColIndex = = 1 )
switch ( subRowIndex )
case 0 : return creature . mData . mStrength ;
case 1 : return creature . mData . mIntelligence ;
case 2 : return creature . mData . mWillpower ;
case 3 : return creature . mData . mAgility ;
case 4 : return creature . mData . mSpeed ;
case 5 : return creature . mData . mEndurance ;
case 6 : return creature . mData . mPersonality ;
case 7 : return creature . mData . mLuck ;
default : return QVariant ( ) ; // throw an exception here?
return QVariant ( ) ; // throw an exception here?
void CSMWorld : : CreatureAttributesRefIdAdapter : : setNestedData ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
RefIdData & data , int row , const QVariant & value , int subRowIndex , int subColIndex ) const
Record < ESM : : Creature > & record =
static_cast < Record < ESM : : Creature > & > ( data . getRecord ( RefIdData : : LocalIndex ( row , UniversalId : : Type_Creature ) ) ) ;
ESM : : Creature creature = record . get ( ) ;
if ( subColIndex = = 1 )
switch ( subRowIndex )
case 0 : creature . mData . mStrength = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 1 : creature . mData . mIntelligence = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 2 : creature . mData . mWillpower = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 3 : creature . mData . mAgility = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 4 : creature . mData . mSpeed = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 5 : creature . mData . mEndurance = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 6 : creature . mData . mPersonality = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 7 : creature . mData . mLuck = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
default : return ; // throw an exception here?
return ; // throw an exception here?
record . setModified ( creature ) ;
int CSMWorld : : CreatureAttributesRefIdAdapter : : getNestedColumnsCount ( const RefIdColumn * column , const RefIdData & data ) const
return 2 ;
int CSMWorld : : CreatureAttributesRefIdAdapter : : getNestedRowsCount ( const RefIdColumn * column , const RefIdData & data , int index ) const
// There are 8 attributes
return 8 ;
CSMWorld : : CreatureAttackRefIdAdapter : : CreatureAttackRefIdAdapter ( )
{ }
void CSMWorld : : CreatureAttackRefIdAdapter : : addNestedRow ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
RefIdData & data , int index , int position ) const
// Do nothing, this table cannot be changed by the user
void CSMWorld : : CreatureAttackRefIdAdapter : : removeNestedRow ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
RefIdData & data , int index , int rowToRemove ) const
// Do nothing, this table cannot be changed by the user
void CSMWorld : : CreatureAttackRefIdAdapter : : setNestedTable ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
RefIdData & data , int index , const NestedTableWrapperBase & nestedTable ) const
Record < ESM : : Creature > & record =
static_cast < Record < ESM : : Creature > & > ( data . getRecord ( RefIdData : : LocalIndex ( index , UniversalId : : Type_Creature ) ) ) ;
ESM : : Creature creature = record . get ( ) ;
// store the whole struct
creature . mData =
static_cast < const NestedTableWrapper < std : : vector < typename ESM : : Creature : : NPDTstruct > > & > ( nestedTable ) . mNestedTable . at ( 0 ) ;
record . setModified ( creature ) ;
CSMWorld : : NestedTableWrapperBase * CSMWorld : : CreatureAttackRefIdAdapter : : nestedTable ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
const RefIdData & data , int index ) const
const Record < ESM : : Creature > & record =
static_cast < const Record < ESM : : Creature > & > ( data . getRecord ( RefIdData : : LocalIndex ( index , UniversalId : : Type_Creature ) ) ) ;
// return the whole struct
std : : vector < typename ESM : : Creature : : NPDTstruct > wrap ;
wrap . push_back ( record . get ( ) . mData ) ;
// deleted by dtor of NestedTableStoring
return new NestedTableWrapper < std : : vector < typename ESM : : Creature : : NPDTstruct > > ( wrap ) ;
QVariant CSMWorld : : CreatureAttackRefIdAdapter : : getNestedData ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
const RefIdData & data , int index , int subRowIndex , int subColIndex ) const
const Record < ESM : : Creature > & record =
static_cast < const Record < ESM : : Creature > & > ( data . getRecord ( RefIdData : : LocalIndex ( index , UniversalId : : Type_Creature ) ) ) ;
const ESM : : Creature creature = record . get ( ) ;
if ( subRowIndex < 0 | | subRowIndex > 2 | | subColIndex < 0 | | subColIndex > 2 )
throw std : : runtime_error ( " index out of range " ) ;
if ( subColIndex = = 0 )
return subRowIndex + 1 ;
else if ( subColIndex < 3 ) // 1 or 2
return creature . mData . mAttack [ ( subRowIndex * 2 ) + ( subColIndex - 1 ) ] ;
return QVariant ( ) ; // throw an exception here?
void CSMWorld : : CreatureAttackRefIdAdapter : : setNestedData ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
RefIdData & data , int row , const QVariant & value , int subRowIndex , int subColIndex ) const
Record < ESM : : Creature > & record =
static_cast < Record < ESM : : Creature > & > ( data . getRecord ( RefIdData : : LocalIndex ( row , UniversalId : : Type_Creature ) ) ) ;
ESM : : Creature creature = record . get ( ) ;
if ( subRowIndex < 0 | | subRowIndex > 2 )
throw std : : runtime_error ( " index out of range " ) ;
if ( subColIndex = = 1 | | subColIndex = = 2 )
creature . mData . mAttack [ ( subRowIndex * 2 ) + ( subColIndex - 1 ) ] = value . toInt ( ) ;
return ; // throw an exception here?
record . setModified ( creature ) ;
int CSMWorld : : CreatureAttackRefIdAdapter : : getNestedColumnsCount ( const RefIdColumn * column , const RefIdData & data ) const
return 3 ;
int CSMWorld : : CreatureAttackRefIdAdapter : : getNestedRowsCount ( const RefIdColumn * column , const RefIdData & data , int index ) const
// There are 3 attacks
return 3 ;
CSMWorld : : CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter : : CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter ( )
{ }
CSMWorld : : CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter : : ~ CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter ( )
{ }
void CSMWorld : : CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter : : addNestedRow ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
RefIdData & data , int index , int position ) const
throw std : : logic_error ( " cannot add a row to a fixed table " ) ;
void CSMWorld : : CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter : : removeNestedRow ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
RefIdData & data , int index , int rowToRemove ) const
throw std : : logic_error ( " cannot remove a row to a fixed table " ) ;
void CSMWorld : : CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter : : setNestedTable ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
RefIdData & data , int index , const NestedTableWrapperBase & nestedTable ) const
throw std : : logic_error ( " table operation not supported " ) ;
CSMWorld : : NestedTableWrapperBase * CSMWorld : : CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter : : nestedTable ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
const RefIdData & data , int index ) const
throw std : : logic_error ( " table operation not supported " ) ;
QVariant CSMWorld : : CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter : : getNestedData ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
const RefIdData & data , int index , int subRowIndex , int subColIndex ) const
const Record < ESM : : Creature > & record =
static_cast < const Record < ESM : : Creature > & > ( data . getRecord ( RefIdData : : LocalIndex ( index , UniversalId : : Type_Creature ) ) ) ;
const ESM : : Creature creature = record . get ( ) ;
switch ( subColIndex )
case 0 : return creature . mData . mLevel ;
case 1 : return creature . mData . mHealth ;
case 2 : return creature . mData . mMana ;
case 3 : return creature . mData . mFatigue ;
case 4 : return creature . mData . mSoul ;
case 5 : return creature . mData . mCombat ;
case 6 : return creature . mData . mMagic ;
case 7 : return creature . mData . mStealth ;
case 8 : return creature . mData . mGold ;
default : return QVariant ( ) ; // throw an exception here?
void CSMWorld : : CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter : : setNestedData ( const RefIdColumn * column ,
RefIdData & data , int row , const QVariant & value , int subRowIndex , int subColIndex ) const
Record < ESM : : Creature > & record =
static_cast < Record < ESM : : Creature > & > ( data . getRecord ( RefIdData : : LocalIndex ( row , UniversalId : : Type_Creature ) ) ) ;
ESM : : Creature creature = record . get ( ) ;
switch ( subColIndex )
case 0 : creature . mData . mLevel = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 1 : creature . mData . mHealth = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 2 : creature . mData . mMana = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 3 : creature . mData . mFatigue = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 4 : creature . mData . mSoul = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 5 : creature . mData . mCombat = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 6 : creature . mData . mMagic = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 7 : creature . mData . mStealth = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
case 8 : creature . mData . mGold = value . toInt ( ) ; break ;
default : return ; // throw an exception here?
record . setModified ( creature ) ;
int CSMWorld : : CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter : : getNestedColumnsCount ( const RefIdColumn * column , const RefIdData & data ) const
return 9 ; // Level, Health, Mana, Fatigue, Soul, Combat, Magic, Steath, Gold
int CSMWorld : : CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter : : getNestedRowsCount ( const RefIdColumn * column , const RefIdData & data , int index ) const
return 1 ; // fixed at size 1
CSMWorld : : WeaponColumns : : WeaponColumns ( const EnchantableColumns & columns )
: EnchantableColumns ( columns ) { }