Unlike in the original Morrowind engine, 'Shadow Mapping' is used, which can have a performance impact, but has more realistic results.
Unlike in the original Morrowind engine, 'Shadow Mapping' is used, which can have a performance impact, but has more realistic results.
Bear in mind that this will force OpenMW to use shaders as if :ref:`force-shaders-label` was enabled.
Bear in mind that this will force OpenMW to use shaders as if :ref:`force shaders` was enabled.
A keen developer may be able to implement compatibility with fixed-function mode using the advice of `this post <https://github.com/OpenMW/openmw/pull/1547#issuecomment-369657381>`_, but it may be more difficult than it seems.
A keen developer may be able to implement compatibility with fixed-function mode using the advice of `this post <https://github.com/OpenMW/openmw/pull/1547#issuecomment-369657381>`_, but it may be more difficult than it seems.