@ -24,25 +24,7 @@
#include "ogre_nif_loader.hpp"
#include <Ogre.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libs/mangle/vfs/servers/ogre_vfs.hpp>
#include "../nif/nif_file.hpp"
#include "../nif/node.hpp"
#include "../nif/data.hpp"
#include "../nif/property.hpp"
#include "../nif/controller.hpp"
#include "../nif/extra.hpp"
#include <libs/platform/strings.h>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
// For warning messages
#include <iostream>
// float infinity
#include <limits>
typedef unsigned char ubyte;
@ -583,7 +565,7 @@ static void vectorMul(const Matrix &A, float *C)
void NIFLoader::handleNiTriShape(NiTriShape *shape, int flags, BoundsFinder &bounds)
void NIFLoader::handleNiTriShape(NiTriShape *shape, int flags, BoundsFinder &bounds, Transformation original, std::vector<std::string> boneSequence)
assert(shape != NULL);
@ -744,11 +726,39 @@ void NIFLoader::handleNiTriShape(NiTriShape *shape, int flags, BoundsFinder &bou
std::list<VertexBoneAssignment> vertexBoneAssignments;
Nif::NiTriShapeCopy copy = shape->clone();
//Nif::NiGeomMorpherController* cont = dynamic_cast<Nif::NiGeomMorpherController*> (shape->controller.getPtr());
Nif::Controller* cont = shape->controller.getPtr();
if(cont->recType == RC_NiGeomMorpherController)
Nif::NiGeomMorpherController* morph = dynamic_cast<Nif::NiGeomMorpherController*> (cont);
copy.morph = morph->data.get();
//std::cout << "Size" << morph->data->getInitialVertices().size() << "\n";
//std::cout << "We have a controller";
//use niskindata for the position of vertices.
if (!shape->skin.empty())
//std::cout << "Skin is not empty\n";
//Bone assignments are stored in submeshes, so we don't need to copy them
//std::string triname
//std::vector<Ogre::Vector3> vertices;
//std::vector<Ogre::Vector3> normals;
//std::vector<Nif::NiSkinData::BoneInfoCopy> boneinfo;
// vector that stores if the position if a vertex is absolute
std::vector<bool> vertexPosAbsolut(numVerts,false);
std::vector<Ogre::Vector3> vertexPosOriginal(numVerts, Ogre::Vector3::ZERO);
std::vector<Ogre::Vector3> vertexNormalOriginal(numVerts, Ogre::Vector3::ZERO);
float *ptrNormals = (float*)data->normals.ptr;
//the bone from skin->bones[boneIndex] is linked to skin->data->bones[boneIndex]
@ -775,24 +785,34 @@ void NIFLoader::handleNiTriShape(NiTriShape *shape, int flags, BoundsFinder &bou
//get the bone from bones array of skindata
std::cout << "We don't have this bone";
bonePtr = mSkel->getBone(shape->skin->bones[boneIndex].name.toString());
// final_vector = old_vector + old_rotation*new_vector*old_scale
vecPos = bonePtr->_getDerivedPosition() +
bonePtr->_getDerivedOrientation() * convertVector3(it->trafo->trans);
vecRot = bonePtr->_getDerivedOrientation() * convertRotation(it->trafo->rotation);
Nif::NiSkinData::BoneInfoCopy boneinfo;
boneinfo.trafo.rotation = convertRotation(it->trafo->rotation);
boneinfo.trafo.trans = convertVector3(it->trafo->trans);
boneinfo.bonename = shape->skin->bones[boneIndex].name.toString();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<it->weights.length; i++)
unsigned int verIndex = (it->weights.ptr + i)->vertex;
vecPos = bonePtr->_getDerivedPosition() +
bonePtr->_getDerivedOrientation() * convertVector3(it->trafo->trans);
vecRot = bonePtr->_getDerivedOrientation() * convertRotation(it->trafo->rotation);
unsigned int verIndex = (it->weights.ptr + i)->vertex;
boneinfo.weights.push_back(*(it->weights.ptr + i));
//Check if the vertex is relativ, FIXME: Is there a better solution?
if (vertexPosAbsolut[verIndex] == false)
//apply transformation to the vertices
Vector3 absVertPos = vecPos + vecRot * Vector3(ptr + verIndex *3);
absVertPos = absVertPos * (it->weights.ptr + i)->weight;
vertexPosOriginal[verIndex] = Vector3(ptr + verIndex *3);
//convert it back to float *
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
(ptr + verIndex*3)[j] = absVertPos[j];
@ -802,6 +822,8 @@ void NIFLoader::handleNiTriShape(NiTriShape *shape, int flags, BoundsFinder &bou
if (verIndex < data->normals.length)
Vector3 absNormalsPos = vecRot * Vector3(ptrNormals + verIndex *3);
absNormalsPos = absNormalsPos * (it->weights.ptr + i)->weight;
vertexNormalOriginal[verIndex] = Vector3(ptrNormals + verIndex *3);
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
(ptrNormals + verIndex*3)[j] = absNormalsPos[j];
@ -809,27 +831,67 @@ void NIFLoader::handleNiTriShape(NiTriShape *shape, int flags, BoundsFinder &bou
vertexPosAbsolut[verIndex] = true;
Vector3 absVertPos = vecPos + vecRot * vertexPosOriginal[verIndex];
absVertPos = absVertPos * (it->weights.ptr + i)->weight;
Vector3 old = Vector3(ptr + verIndex *3);
absVertPos = absVertPos + old;
//convert it back to float *
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
(ptr + verIndex*3)[j] = absVertPos[j];
//apply rotation to the normals (not every vertex has a normal)
//FIXME: I guessed that vertex[i] = normal[i], is that true?
if (verIndex < data->normals.length)
Vector3 absNormalsPos = vecRot * vertexNormalOriginal[verIndex];
absNormalsPos = absNormalsPos * (it->weights.ptr + i)->weight;
Vector3 oldNormal = Vector3(ptrNormals + verIndex *3);
absNormalsPos = absNormalsPos + oldNormal;
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
(ptrNormals + verIndex*3)[j] = absNormalsPos[j];
VertexBoneAssignment vba;
vba.boneIndex = bonePtr->getHandle();
vba.vertexIndex = verIndex;
vba.weight = (it->weights.ptr + i)->weight;
copy.boneSequence = boneSequence;
// Rotate, scale and translate all the vertices,
const Matrix &rot = shape->trafo->rotation;
const Vector &pos = shape->trafo->pos;
float scale = shape->trafo->scale;
copy.trafo.trans = convertVector3(original.pos);
copy.trafo.rotation = convertRotation(original.rotation);
copy.trafo.scale = original.scale;
//We don't use velocity for anything yet, so it does not need to be saved
// Computes C = B + AxC*scale
for (int i=0; i<numVerts; i++)
vectorMulAdd(rot, pos, ptr, scale);
Ogre::Vector3 absVertPos = Ogre::Vector3(*(ptr + 3 * i), *(ptr + 3 * i + 1), *(ptr + 3 * i + 2));
ptr += 3;
@ -843,12 +905,28 @@ void NIFLoader::handleNiTriShape(NiTriShape *shape, int flags, BoundsFinder &bou
ptr += 3;
if(!mSkel.isNull() ){
int boneIndex;
Ogre::Bone *parentBone = mSkel->getBone(boneSequence[boneSequence.size() - 1]);
boneIndex = parentBone->getHandle();
boneIndex = mSkel->getNumBones() - 1;
for(int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++){
VertexBoneAssignment vba;
vba.boneIndex = boneIndex;
vba.vertexIndex = i;
vba.weight = 1;
if (!hidden)
// Add this vertex set to the bounding box
bounds.add(optr, numVerts);
// Create the submesh
createOgreSubMesh(shape, material, vertexBoneAssignments);
@ -877,7 +955,7 @@ void NIFLoader::calculateTransform()
void NIFLoader::handleNode(Nif::Node *node, int flags,
const Transformation *trafo, BoundsFinder &bounds, Bone *parentBone)
const Transformation *trafo, BoundsFinder &bounds, Ogre::Bone *parentBone, std::vector<std::string> boneSequence)
//if( MWClass::isChest)
// cout << "u:" << node << "\n";
@ -908,6 +986,48 @@ void NIFLoader::handleNode(Nif::Node *node, int flags,
// the engine, just skip this entire node.
if (e->recType == RC_NiTextKeyExtraData){
Nif::NiTextKeyExtraData* extra = dynamic_cast<Nif::NiTextKeyExtraData*> (e);
std::vector<Nif::NiTextKeyExtraData::TextKey>::iterator textiter = extra->list.begin();
//std::ofstream File("Indices" + name + ".txt");
//std::string sample = "uy";
std::string cut = "";
for(int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++)
if(!(name.at(i) == '\\' || name.at(i) == '/' || name.at(i) == '>' || name.at(i) == '<' || name.at(i) == '?' || name.at(i) == '*' || name.at(i) == '|' || name.at(i) == ':' || name.at(i) == '"'))
cut += name.at(i);
//std::cout << "End" << end;
std::cout << "Outputting " << cut << "\n";
std::ofstream File("Indices" + cut + ".txt");
std::cout << "We could open\n";
std::cout << "We could not\n";*/
for(; textiter != extra->list.end(); textiter++)
//if(textiter->text.toString().find("Torch") < textiter->text.toString().length())
//std::cout << "Time: " << textiter->time << " " << textiter->text.toString() << "\n";
std::string text = textiter->text.toString();
replace(text.begin(), text.end(), '\n', '/');
text.erase(std::remove(text.begin(), text.end(), '\r'), text.end());
File << "Time: " << textiter->time << "|" << text << "\n";
textmappings[text] = textiter->time;
Bone *bone = 0;
@ -930,6 +1050,7 @@ void NIFLoader::handleNode(Nif::Node *node, int flags,
if (!mSkel.isNull()) //if there is a skeleton
std::string name = node->name.toString();
//if (isBeast && isChest)
// std::cout << "NAME: " << name << "\n";
// Quick-n-dirty workaround for the fact that several
@ -947,7 +1068,7 @@ void NIFLoader::handleNode(Nif::Node *node, int flags,
Transformation original = *(node->trafo);
// Apply the parent transformation to this node. We overwrite the
// existing data with the final transformation.
if (trafo)
@ -978,12 +1099,23 @@ void NIFLoader::handleNode(Nif::Node *node, int flags,
if (list.has(i))
handleNode(&list[i], flags, node->trafo, bounds, bone);
handleNode(&list[i], flags, node->trafo, bounds, bone, boneSequence);
else if (node->recType == RC_NiTriShape)
handleNiTriShape(dynamic_cast<NiTriShape*>(node), flags, bounds);
std::string nodename = node->name.toString();
if (triname == "")
handleNiTriShape(dynamic_cast<NiTriShape*>(node), flags, bounds, original, boneSequence);
else if(name.length() >= triname.length())
std::transform(nodename.begin(), nodename.end(), nodename.begin(), std::tolower);
if(triname == name.substr(0, triname.length()))
handleNiTriShape(dynamic_cast<NiTriShape*>(node), flags, bounds, original, boneSequence);
@ -993,7 +1125,7 @@ void NIFLoader::loadResource(Resource *resource)
mesh = 0;
flip = false;
std::string name = resource->getName();
name = resource->getName();
char suffix = name.at(name.length() - 2);
if(suffix == '*')
@ -1019,6 +1151,31 @@ void NIFLoader::loadResource(Resource *resource)
// addAnim = false;
switch(name.at(name.length() - 1))
case '"':
triname = "tri chest";
case '*':
triname = "tri tail";
case ':':
triname = "tri left foot";
case '<':
triname = "tri right foot";
case '>':
triname = "tri left hand";
case '?':
triname = "tri right hand";
triname = "";
//std::cout << "Flipping";
@ -1070,7 +1227,11 @@ void NIFLoader::loadResource(Resource *resource)
// Handle the node
handleNode(node, 0, NULL, bounds, 0);
std::vector<std::string> boneSequence;
handleNode(node, 0, NULL, bounds, 0, boneSequence);
// set the bounding value.
if (bounds.isValid())