Fixed some linking errors, edited a few backslashes to become forwardslashes (the backslashes couldn't even be viewed), made all the paths a bit more correctly formatted by writing them with a ./ first (please tell me if that is a bad idea) and added a link to the On The Rocks! mod, since it is a very common mod with this problem (it is featured in MGSO and Morrowind Rebirth).
Until now, the fact that charGenThread() returned false whenever the player had a menu open was preventing Main::UpdateWorld() from running at all with a menu open.
The result was that no player packets from LocalPlayer::Update() were being sent by a player in a menu.
Ok, so another update then. Sorry for another one so soon after the first PR, but I think (or hope) that this will be the last edit for some time. It looks good to me now. ´
Mainly, I changed changed some "=" headers to "-", and while at it, I fixed some typing errors and just edited some text to read better.
A tutorial to how normal mapping works with different mods in Morrowind and how they work in OpenMW. It also covers how to convert the mods made for Morrowind to be used with OpenMW.
local GUI_LISTBOX = 42
function OnPlayerSendMessage(pid, message)
if message == "/lb" then
local items = "consectetur adipiscing elit\nsed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore\net dolore magna aliqua." -- items can be separated through newline
local label = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
tes3mp.ListBox(pid, GUI_LISTBOX, label, items)
function OnGUIAction(pid, idGui, data)
if idGui == GUI_LISTBOX then
print("ID: " .. idGui .. " data: " .. tostring(data)) -- if value higher than last item id