mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 22:06:43 +00:00
conversion from 'const float' to 'int', possible loss of data conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data conversion from 'float' to 'int', possible loss of data
530 lines
21 KiB
530 lines
21 KiB
#include "storage.hpp"
#include <OgreVector2.h>
#include <OgreTextureManager.h>
#include <OgreStringConverter.h>
#include <OgreRenderSystem.h>
#include <OgreResourceGroupManager.h>
#include <OgreResourceBackgroundQueue.h>
#include <OgreRoot.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <components/terrain/quadtreenode.hpp>
#include <components/misc/resourcehelpers.hpp>
namespace ESMTerrain
bool Storage::getMinMaxHeights(float size, const Ogre::Vector2 ¢er, float &min, float &max)
assert (size <= 1 && "Storage::getMinMaxHeights, chunk size should be <= 1 cell");
/// \todo investigate if min/max heights should be stored at load time in ESM::Land instead
Ogre::Vector2 origin = center - Ogre::Vector2(size/2.f, size/2.f);
assert(origin.x == (int) origin.x);
assert(origin.y == (int) origin.y);
int cellX = static_cast<int>(origin.x);
int cellY = static_cast<int>(origin.y);
const ESM::Land* land = getLand(cellX, cellY);
if (!land || !(land->mDataTypes&ESM::Land::DATA_VHGT))
return false;
min = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
max = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
for (int row=0; row<ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE; ++row)
for (int col=0; col<ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE; ++col)
float h = land->mLandData->mHeights[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE+row];
if (h > max)
max = h;
if (h < min)
min = h;
return true;
void Storage::fixNormal (Ogre::Vector3& normal, int cellX, int cellY, int col, int row)
while (col >= ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
col -= ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1;
while (row >= ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
row -= ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1;
while (col < 0)
col += ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1;
while (row < 0)
row += ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1;
ESM::Land* land = getLand(cellX, cellY);
if (land && land->mDataTypes&ESM::Land::DATA_VNML)
normal.x = land->mLandData->mNormals[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3];
normal.y = land->mLandData->mNormals[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+1];
normal.z = land->mLandData->mNormals[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+2];
normal = Ogre::Vector3(0,0,1);
void Storage::averageNormal(Ogre::Vector3 &normal, int cellX, int cellY, int col, int row)
Ogre::Vector3 n1,n2,n3,n4;
fixNormal(n1, cellX, cellY, col+1, row);
fixNormal(n2, cellX, cellY, col-1, row);
fixNormal(n3, cellX, cellY, col, row+1);
fixNormal(n4, cellX, cellY, col, row-1);
normal = (n1+n2+n3+n4);
void Storage::fixColour (Ogre::ColourValue& color, int cellX, int cellY, int col, int row)
if (col == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
col = 0;
if (row == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
row = 0;
ESM::Land* land = getLand(cellX, cellY);
if (land && land->mDataTypes&ESM::Land::DATA_VCLR)
color.r = land->mLandData->mColours[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3] / 255.f;
color.g = land->mLandData->mColours[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+1] / 255.f;
color.b = land->mLandData->mColours[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+2] / 255.f;
color.r = 1;
color.g = 1;
color.b = 1;
void Storage::fillVertexBuffers (int lodLevel, float size, const Ogre::Vector2& center, Terrain::Alignment align,
std::vector<float>& positions,
std::vector<float>& normals,
std::vector<Ogre::uint8>& colours)
// LOD level n means every 2^n-th vertex is kept
size_t increment = 1 << lodLevel;
Ogre::Vector2 origin = center - Ogre::Vector2(size/2.f, size/2.f);
assert(origin.x == (int) origin.x);
assert(origin.y == (int) origin.y);
int startX = static_cast<int>(origin.x);
int startY = static_cast<int>(origin.y);
size_t numVerts = static_cast<size_t>(size*(ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE - 1) / increment + 1);
Ogre::Vector3 normal;
Ogre::ColourValue color;
float vertY = 0;
float vertX = 0;
float vertY_ = 0; // of current cell corner
for (int cellY = startY; cellY < startY + std::ceil(size); ++cellY)
float vertX_ = 0; // of current cell corner
for (int cellX = startX; cellX < startX + std::ceil(size); ++cellX)
ESM::Land* land = getLand(cellX, cellY);
if (land && !(land->mDataTypes&ESM::Land::DATA_VHGT))
land = NULL;
int rowStart = 0;
int colStart = 0;
// Skip the first row / column unless we're at a chunk edge,
// since this row / column is already contained in a previous cell
if (colStart == 0 && vertY_ != 0)
colStart += increment;
if (rowStart == 0 && vertX_ != 0)
rowStart += increment;
vertY = vertY_;
for (int col=colStart; col<ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE; col += increment)
vertX = vertX_;
for (int row=rowStart; row<ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE; row += increment)
positions[static_cast<unsigned int>(vertX*numVerts * 3 + vertY * 3)] = ((vertX / float(numVerts - 1) - 0.5f) * size * 8192);
positions[static_cast<unsigned int>(vertX*numVerts * 3 + vertY * 3 + 1)] = ((vertY / float(numVerts - 1) - 0.5f) * size * 8192);
if (land)
positions[static_cast<unsigned int>(vertX*numVerts * 3 + vertY * 3 + 2)] = land->mLandData->mHeights[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE + row];
positions[static_cast<unsigned int>(vertX*numVerts * 3 + vertY * 3 + 2)] = -2048;
if (land && land->mDataTypes&ESM::Land::DATA_VNML)
normal.x = land->mLandData->mNormals[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3];
normal.y = land->mLandData->mNormals[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+1];
normal.z = land->mLandData->mNormals[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+2];
normal = Ogre::Vector3(0,0,1);
// Normals apparently don't connect seamlessly between cells
if (col == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1 || row == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
fixNormal(normal, cellX, cellY, col, row);
// some corner normals appear to be complete garbage (z < 0)
if ((row == 0 || row == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1) && (col == 0 || col == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1))
averageNormal(normal, cellX, cellY, col, row);
assert(normal.z > 0);
normals[static_cast<unsigned int>(vertX*numVerts * 3 + vertY * 3)] = normal.x;
normals[static_cast<unsigned int>(vertX*numVerts * 3 + vertY * 3 + 1)] = normal.y;
normals[static_cast<unsigned int>(vertX*numVerts * 3 + vertY * 3 + 2)] = normal.z;
if (land && land->mDataTypes&ESM::Land::DATA_VCLR)
color.r = land->mLandData->mColours[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3] / 255.f;
color.g = land->mLandData->mColours[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+1] / 255.f;
color.b = land->mLandData->mColours[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+2] / 255.f;
color.r = 1;
color.g = 1;
color.b = 1;
// Unlike normals, colors mostly connect seamlessly between cells, but not always...
if (col == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1 || row == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
fixColour(color, cellX, cellY, col, row);
color.a = 1;
Ogre::uint32 rsColor;
Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem()->convertColourValue(color, &rsColor);
memcpy(&colours[static_cast<unsigned int>(vertX*numVerts * 4 + vertY * 4)], &rsColor, sizeof(Ogre::uint32));
vertX_ = vertX;
vertY_ = vertY;
assert(vertX_ == numVerts); // Ensure we covered whole area
assert(vertY_ == numVerts); // Ensure we covered whole area
Storage::UniqueTextureId Storage::getVtexIndexAt(int cellX, int cellY,
int x, int y)
// For the first/last row/column, we need to get the texture from the neighbour cell
// to get consistent blending at the borders
if (x < 0)
if (y >= ESM::Land::LAND_TEXTURE_SIZE) // Y appears to be wrapped from the other side because why the hell not?
ESM::Land* land = getLand(cellX, cellY);
if (land && (land->mDataTypes&ESM::Land::DATA_VTEX))
int tex = land->mLandData->mTextures[y * ESM::Land::LAND_TEXTURE_SIZE + x];
if (tex == 0)
return std::make_pair(0,0); // vtex 0 is always the base texture, regardless of plugin
return std::make_pair(tex, land->mPlugin);
return std::make_pair(0,0);
std::string Storage::getTextureName(UniqueTextureId id)
if (id.first == 0)
return "textures\\_land_default.dds"; // Not sure if the default texture really is hardcoded?
// NB: All vtex ids are +1 compared to the ltex ids
const ESM::LandTexture* ltex = getLandTexture(id.first-1, id.second);
//TODO this is needed due to MWs messed up texture handling
std::string texture = Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctTexturePath(ltex->mTexture);
return texture;
void Storage::getBlendmaps (const std::vector<Terrain::QuadTreeNode*>& nodes, std::vector<Terrain::LayerCollection>& out, bool pack)
for (std::vector<Terrain::QuadTreeNode*>::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it)
out.back().mTarget = *it;
getBlendmapsImpl(static_cast<float>((*it)->getSize()), (*it)->getCenter(), pack, out.back().mBlendmaps, out.back().mLayers);
void Storage::getBlendmaps(float chunkSize, const Ogre::Vector2 &chunkCenter,
bool pack, std::vector<Ogre::PixelBox> &blendmaps, std::vector<Terrain::LayerInfo> &layerList)
getBlendmapsImpl(chunkSize, chunkCenter, pack, blendmaps, layerList);
void Storage::getBlendmapsImpl(float chunkSize, const Ogre::Vector2 &chunkCenter,
bool pack, std::vector<Ogre::PixelBox> &blendmaps, std::vector<Terrain::LayerInfo> &layerList)
// TODO - blending isn't completely right yet; the blending radius appears to be
// different at a cell transition (2 vertices, not 4), so we may need to create a larger blendmap
// and interpolate the rest of the cell by hand? :/
Ogre::Vector2 origin = chunkCenter - Ogre::Vector2(chunkSize/2.f, chunkSize/2.f);
int cellX = static_cast<int>(origin.x);
int cellY = static_cast<int>(origin.y);
// Save the used texture indices so we know the total number of textures
// and number of required blend maps
std::set<UniqueTextureId> textureIndices;
// Due to the way the blending works, the base layer will always shine through in between
// blend transitions (eg halfway between two texels, both blend values will be 0.5, so 25% of base layer visible).
// To get a consistent look, we need to make sure to use the same base layer in all cells.
// So we're always adding _land_default.dds as the base layer here, even if it's not referenced in this cell.
for (int y=0; y<ESM::Land::LAND_TEXTURE_SIZE+1; ++y)
for (int x=0; x<ESM::Land::LAND_TEXTURE_SIZE+1; ++x)
UniqueTextureId id = getVtexIndexAt(cellX, cellY, x, y);
// Makes sure the indices are sorted, or rather,
// retrieved as sorted. This is important to keep the splatting order
// consistent across cells.
std::map<UniqueTextureId, int> textureIndicesMap;
for (std::set<UniqueTextureId>::iterator it = textureIndices.begin(); it != textureIndices.end(); ++it)
int size = textureIndicesMap.size();
textureIndicesMap[*it] = size;
int numTextures = textureIndices.size();
// numTextures-1 since the base layer doesn't need blending
int numBlendmaps = pack ? static_cast<int>(std::ceil((numTextures - 1) / 4.f)) : (numTextures - 1);
int channels = pack ? 4 : 1;
// Second iteration - create and fill in the blend maps
const int blendmapSize = ESM::Land::LAND_TEXTURE_SIZE+1;
for (int i=0; i<numBlendmaps; ++i)
Ogre::PixelFormat format = pack ? Ogre::PF_A8B8G8R8 : Ogre::PF_A8;
Ogre::uchar* pData =
OGRE_ALLOC_T(Ogre::uchar, blendmapSize*blendmapSize*channels, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL);
memset(pData, 0, blendmapSize*blendmapSize*channels);
for (int y=0; y<blendmapSize; ++y)
for (int x=0; x<blendmapSize; ++x)
UniqueTextureId id = getVtexIndexAt(cellX, cellY, x, y);
int layerIndex = textureIndicesMap.find(id)->second;
int blendIndex = (pack ? static_cast<int>(std::floor((layerIndex - 1) / 4.f)) : layerIndex - 1);
int channel = pack ? std::max(0, (layerIndex-1) % 4) : 0;
if (blendIndex == i)
pData[y*blendmapSize*channels + x*channels + channel] = 255;
pData[y*blendmapSize*channels + x*channels + channel] = 0;
blendmaps.push_back(Ogre::PixelBox(blendmapSize, blendmapSize, 1, format, pData));
float Storage::getHeightAt(const Ogre::Vector3 &worldPos)
int cellX = static_cast<int>(std::floor(worldPos.x / 8192.f));
int cellY = static_cast<int>(std::floor(worldPos.y / 8192.f));
ESM::Land* land = getLand(cellX, cellY);
if (!land || !(land->mDataTypes&ESM::Land::DATA_VHGT))
return -2048;
// Mostly lifted from Ogre::Terrain::getHeightAtTerrainPosition
// Normalized position in the cell
float nX = (worldPos.x - (cellX * 8192))/8192.f;
float nY = (worldPos.y - (cellY * 8192))/8192.f;
// get left / bottom points (rounded down)
float factor = ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE - 1.0f;
float invFactor = 1.0f / factor;
int startX = static_cast<int>(nX * factor);
int startY = static_cast<int>(nY * factor);
int endX = startX + 1;
int endY = startY + 1;
endX = std::min(endX, ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1);
endY = std::min(endY, ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1);
// now get points in terrain space (effectively rounding them to boundaries)
float startXTS = startX * invFactor;
float startYTS = startY * invFactor;
float endXTS = endX * invFactor;
float endYTS = endY * invFactor;
// get parametric from start coord to next point
float xParam = (nX - startXTS) * factor;
float yParam = (nY - startYTS) * factor;
/* For even / odd tri strip rows, triangles are this shape:
even odd
3---2 3---2
| / | | \ |
0---1 0---1
// Build all 4 positions in normalized cell space, using point-sampled height
Ogre::Vector3 v0 (startXTS, startYTS, getVertexHeight(land, startX, startY) / 8192.f);
Ogre::Vector3 v1 (endXTS, startYTS, getVertexHeight(land, endX, startY) / 8192.f);
Ogre::Vector3 v2 (endXTS, endYTS, getVertexHeight(land, endX, endY) / 8192.f);
Ogre::Vector3 v3 (startXTS, endYTS, getVertexHeight(land, startX, endY) / 8192.f);
// define this plane in terrain space
Ogre::Plane plane;
// (At the moment, all rows have the same triangle alignment)
if (true)
// odd row
bool secondTri = ((1.0 - yParam) > xParam);
if (secondTri)
plane.redefine(v0, v1, v3);
plane.redefine(v1, v2, v3);
// even row
bool secondTri = (yParam > xParam);
if (secondTri)
plane.redefine(v0, v2, v3);
plane.redefine(v0, v1, v2);
// Solve plane equation for z
return (-plane.normal.x * nX
-plane.normal.y * nY
- plane.d) / plane.normal.z * 8192;
float Storage::getVertexHeight(const ESM::Land *land, int x, int y)
assert(x < ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE);
assert(y < ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE);
return land->mLandData->mHeights[y * ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE + x];
Terrain::LayerInfo Storage::getLayerInfo(const std::string& texture)
// Already have this cached?
std::map<std::string, Terrain::LayerInfo>::iterator found = mLayerInfoMap.find(texture);
if (found != mLayerInfoMap.end())
return found->second;
Terrain::LayerInfo info;
info.mParallax = false;
info.mSpecular = false;
info.mDiffuseMap = texture;
std::string texture_ = texture;
boost::replace_last(texture_, ".", "_nh.");
if (Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().resourceExistsInAnyGroup(texture_))
info.mNormalMap = texture_;
info.mParallax = true;
texture_ = texture;
boost::replace_last(texture_, ".", "_n.");
if (Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().resourceExistsInAnyGroup(texture_))
info.mNormalMap = texture_;
texture_ = texture;
boost::replace_last(texture_, ".", "_diffusespec.");
if (Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().resourceExistsInAnyGroup(texture_))
info.mDiffuseMap = texture_;
info.mSpecular = true;
// This wasn't cached, so the textures are probably not loaded either.
// Background load them so they are hopefully already loaded once we need them!
Ogre::ResourceBackgroundQueue::getSingleton().load("Texture", info.mDiffuseMap, "General");
if (!info.mNormalMap.empty())
Ogre::ResourceBackgroundQueue::getSingleton().load("Texture", info.mNormalMap, "General");
mLayerInfoMap[texture] = info;
return info;
Terrain::LayerInfo Storage::getDefaultLayer()
Terrain::LayerInfo info;
info.mDiffuseMap = "textures\\_land_default.dds";
info.mParallax = false;
info.mSpecular = false;
return info;
float Storage::getCellWorldSize()
return static_cast<float>(ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE);
int Storage::getCellVertices()
return ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE;