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#include "physicssystem.hpp"
#include <LinearMath/btIDebugDraw.h>
#include <LinearMath/btVector3.h>
#include <memory>
#include <osg/Group>
#include <osg/Stats>
#include <osg/Timer>
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btConeShape.h>
9 years ago
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btSphereShape.h>
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btStaticPlaneShape.h>
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btCompoundShape.h>
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionObject.h>
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionWorld.h>
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btDefaultCollisionConfiguration.h>
#include <BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btDbvtBroadphase.h>
#include <LinearMath/btQuickprof.h>
#include <components/nifbullet/bulletnifloader.hpp>
#include <components/resource/resourcesystem.hpp>
#include <components/resource/bulletshapemanager.hpp>
#include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadgmst.hpp>
#include <components/sceneutil/positionattitudetransform.hpp>
#include <components/misc/convert.hpp>
#include <components/nifosg/particle.hpp> // FindRecIndexVisitor
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
13 years ago
#include "../mwmechanics/creaturestats.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/actorutil.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/movement.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/player.hpp"
#include "../mwrender/bulletdebugdraw.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/class.hpp"
#include "collisiontype.hpp"
#include "actor.hpp"
#include "projectile.hpp"
#include "trace.h"
#include "object.hpp"
#include "heightfield.hpp"
#include "hasspherecollisioncallback.hpp"
#include "deepestnotmecontacttestresultcallback.hpp"
#include "closestnotmerayresultcallback.hpp"
#include "contacttestresultcallback.hpp"
#include "projectileconvexcallback.hpp"
#include "movementsolver.hpp"
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
#include "mtphysics.hpp"
bool canMoveToWaterSurface(const MWPhysics::Actor* physicActor, const float waterlevel, btCollisionWorld* world)
if (!physicActor)
return false;
const float halfZ = physicActor->getHalfExtents().z();
const osg::Vec3f actorPosition = physicActor->getPosition();
const osg::Vec3f startingPosition(actorPosition.x(), actorPosition.y(), actorPosition.z() + halfZ);
const osg::Vec3f destinationPosition(actorPosition.x(), actorPosition.y(), waterlevel + halfZ);
MWPhysics::ActorTracer tracer;
tracer.doTrace(physicActor->getCollisionObject(), startingPosition, destinationPosition, world);
return (tracer.mFraction >= 1.0f);
void handleJump(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr)
if (!ptr.getClass().isActor())
if (ptr.getClass().getMovementSettings(ptr).mPosition[2] == 0)
const bool isPlayer = (ptr == MWMechanics::getPlayer());
// Advance acrobatics and set flag for GetPCJumping
if (isPlayer)
ptr.getClass().skillUsageSucceeded(ptr, ESM::Skill::Acrobatics, 0);
// Decrease fatigue
if (!isPlayer || !MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGodModeState())
const MWWorld::Store<ESM::GameSetting> &gmst = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>();
const float fFatigueJumpBase = gmst.find("fFatigueJumpBase")->mValue.getFloat();
const float fFatigueJumpMult = gmst.find("fFatigueJumpMult")->mValue.getFloat();
const float normalizedEncumbrance = std::min(1.f, ptr.getClass().getNormalizedEncumbrance(ptr));
const float fatigueDecrease = fFatigueJumpBase + normalizedEncumbrance * fFatigueJumpMult;
MWMechanics::DynamicStat<float> fatigue = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).getFatigue();
fatigue.setCurrent(fatigue.getCurrent() - fatigueDecrease);
ptr.getClass().getMovementSettings(ptr).mPosition[2] = 0;
namespace MWPhysics
13 years ago
PhysicsSystem::PhysicsSystem(Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> parentNode)
: mShapeManager(new Resource::BulletShapeManager(resourceSystem->getVFS(), resourceSystem->getSceneManager(), resourceSystem->getNifFileManager()))
, mResourceSystem(resourceSystem)
, mDebugDrawEnabled(false)
, mTimeAccum(0.0f)
, mProjectileId(0)
, mWaterHeight(0)
, mWaterEnabled(false)
, mParentNode(parentNode)
, mPhysicsDt(1.f / 60.f)
13 years ago
mCollisionConfiguration = std::make_unique<btDefaultCollisionConfiguration>();
mDispatcher = std::make_unique<btCollisionDispatcher>(mCollisionConfiguration.get());
mBroadphase = std::make_unique<btDbvtBroadphase>();
mCollisionWorld = std::make_unique<btCollisionWorld>(mDispatcher.get(), mBroadphase.get(), mCollisionConfiguration.get());
// Don't update AABBs of all objects every frame. Most objects in MW are static, so we don't need this.
// Should a "static" object ever be moved, we have to update its AABB manually using DynamicsWorld::updateSingleAabb.
// Check if a user decided to override a physics system FPS
const char* env = getenv("OPENMW_PHYSICS_FPS");
if (env)
float physFramerate = std::atof(env);
if (physFramerate > 0)
mPhysicsDt = 1.f / physFramerate;
Log(Debug::Warning) << "Warning: using custom physics framerate (" << physFramerate << " FPS).";
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
mDebugDrawer = std::make_unique<MWRender::DebugDrawer>(mParentNode, mCollisionWorld.get(), mDebugDrawEnabled);
mTaskScheduler = std::make_unique<PhysicsTaskScheduler>(mPhysicsDt, mCollisionWorld.get(), mDebugDrawer.get());
13 years ago
13 years ago
if (mWaterCollisionObject)
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
Resource::BulletShapeManager *PhysicsSystem::getShapeManager()
return mShapeManager.get();
bool PhysicsSystem::toggleDebugRendering()
mDebugDrawEnabled = !mDebugDrawEnabled;
mCollisionWorld->setDebugDrawer(mDebugDrawEnabled ? mDebugDrawer.get() : nullptr);
return mDebugDrawEnabled;
void PhysicsSystem::markAsNonSolid(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr)
ObjectMap::iterator found = mObjects.find(ptr.mRef);
if (found == mObjects.end())
bool PhysicsSystem::isOnSolidGround (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) const
const Actor* physactor = getActor(actor);
if (!physactor || !physactor->getOnGround())
return false;
const auto obj = physactor->getStandingOnPtr();
if (obj.isEmpty())
return true; // assume standing on terrain (which is a non-object, so not collision tracked)
ObjectMap::const_iterator foundObj = mObjects.find(obj.mRef);
if (foundObj == mObjects.end())
return false;
if (!foundObj->second->isSolid())
return false;
return true;
std::pair<MWWorld::Ptr, osg::Vec3f> PhysicsSystem::getHitContact(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor,
const osg::Vec3f &origin,
const osg::Quat &orient,
float queryDistance, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>& targets)
// First of all, try to hit where you aim to
int hitmask = CollisionType_World | CollisionType_Door | CollisionType_HeightMap | CollisionType_Actor;
RayCastingResult result = castRay(origin, origin + (orient * osg::Vec3f(0.0f, queryDistance, 0.0f)), actor, targets, hitmask, CollisionType_Actor);
if (result.mHit)
reportCollision(Misc::Convert::toBullet(result.mHitPos), Misc::Convert::toBullet(result.mHitNormal));
return std::make_pair(result.mHitObject, result.mHitPos);
// Use cone shape as fallback
const MWWorld::Store<ESM::GameSetting> &store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>();
btConeShape shape (osg::DegreesToRadians(store.find("fCombatAngleXY")->mValue.getFloat()/2.0f), queryDistance);
shape.setLocalScaling(btVector3(1, 1, osg::DegreesToRadians(store.find("fCombatAngleZ")->mValue.getFloat()/2.0f) /
// The shape origin is its center, so we have to move it forward by half the length. The
// real origin will be provided to getFilteredContact to find the closest.
osg::Vec3f center = origin + (orient * osg::Vec3f(0.0f, queryDistance*0.5f, 0.0f));
btCollisionObject object;
object.setWorldTransform(btTransform(Misc::Convert::toBullet(orient), Misc::Convert::toBullet(center)));
const btCollisionObject* me = nullptr;
std::vector<const btCollisionObject*> targetCollisionObjects;
const Actor* physactor = getActor(actor);
if (physactor)
me = physactor->getCollisionObject();
if (!targets.empty())
for (MWWorld::Ptr& target : targets)
const Actor* targetActor = getActor(target);
if (targetActor)
DeepestNotMeContactTestResultCallback resultCallback(me, targetCollisionObjects, Misc::Convert::toBullet(origin));
resultCallback.m_collisionFilterGroup = CollisionType_Actor;
resultCallback.m_collisionFilterMask = CollisionType_World | CollisionType_Door | CollisionType_HeightMap | CollisionType_Actor;
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
mTaskScheduler->contactTest(&object, resultCallback);
if (resultCallback.mObject)
PtrHolder* holder = static_cast<PtrHolder*>(resultCallback.mObject->getUserPointer());
if (holder)
reportCollision(resultCallback.mContactPoint, resultCallback.mContactNormal);
return std::make_pair(holder->getPtr(), Misc::Convert::toOsg(resultCallback.mContactPoint));
return std::make_pair(MWWorld::Ptr(), osg::Vec3f());
float PhysicsSystem::getHitDistance(const osg::Vec3f &point, const MWWorld::ConstPtr &target) const
btCollisionObject* targetCollisionObj = nullptr;
const Actor* actor = getActor(target);
if (actor)
targetCollisionObj = actor->getCollisionObject();
if (!targetCollisionObj)
return 0.f;
btTransform rayFrom;
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
auto hitpoint = mTaskScheduler->getHitPoint(rayFrom, targetCollisionObj);
if (hitpoint)
return (point - Misc::Convert::toOsg(*hitpoint)).length();
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
// didn't hit the target. this could happen if point is already inside the collision box
return 0.f;
RayCastingResult PhysicsSystem::castRay(const osg::Vec3f &from, const osg::Vec3f &to, const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ignore, const std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>& targets, int mask, int group) const
if (from == to)
RayCastingResult result;
result.mHit = false;
return result;
btVector3 btFrom = Misc::Convert::toBullet(from);
btVector3 btTo = Misc::Convert::toBullet(to);
const btCollisionObject* me = nullptr;
std::vector<const btCollisionObject*> targetCollisionObjects;
if (!ignore.isEmpty())
const Actor* actor = getActor(ignore);
if (actor)
me = actor->getCollisionObject();
const Object* object = getObject(ignore);
if (object)
me = object->getCollisionObject();
if (!targets.empty())
for (const MWWorld::Ptr& target : targets)
const Actor* actor = getActor(target);
if (actor)
ClosestNotMeRayResultCallback resultCallback(me, targetCollisionObjects, btFrom, btTo);
resultCallback.m_collisionFilterGroup = group;
resultCallback.m_collisionFilterMask = mask;
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
mTaskScheduler->rayTest(btFrom, btTo, resultCallback);
RayCastingResult result;
result.mHit = resultCallback.hasHit();
if (resultCallback.hasHit())
result.mHitPos = Misc::Convert::toOsg(resultCallback.m_hitPointWorld);
result.mHitNormal = Misc::Convert::toOsg(resultCallback.m_hitNormalWorld);
if (PtrHolder* ptrHolder = static_cast<PtrHolder*>(resultCallback.m_collisionObject->getUserPointer()))
result.mHitObject = ptrHolder->getPtr();
return result;
RayCastingResult PhysicsSystem::castSphere(const osg::Vec3f &from, const osg::Vec3f &to, float radius, int mask, int group) const
9 years ago
btCollisionWorld::ClosestConvexResultCallback callback(Misc::Convert::toBullet(from), Misc::Convert::toBullet(to));
callback.m_collisionFilterGroup = group;
callback.m_collisionFilterMask = mask;
9 years ago
btSphereShape shape(radius);
const btQuaternion btrot = btQuaternion::getIdentity();
btTransform from_ (btrot, Misc::Convert::toBullet(from));
btTransform to_ (btrot, Misc::Convert::toBullet(to));
9 years ago
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
mTaskScheduler->convexSweepTest(&shape, from_, to_, callback);
9 years ago
RayCastingResult result;
9 years ago
result.mHit = callback.hasHit();
if (result.mHit)
result.mHitPos = Misc::Convert::toOsg(callback.m_hitPointWorld);
result.mHitNormal = Misc::Convert::toOsg(callback.m_hitNormalWorld);
if (auto* ptrHolder = static_cast<PtrHolder*>(callback.m_hitCollisionObject->getUserPointer()))
result.mHitObject = ptrHolder->getPtr();
9 years ago
return result;
bool PhysicsSystem::getLineOfSight(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &actor1, const MWWorld::ConstPtr &actor2) const
const auto it1 = mActors.find(actor1.mRef);
const auto it2 = mActors.find(actor2.mRef);
if (it1 == mActors.end() || it2 == mActors.end())
return false;
return mTaskScheduler->getLineOfSight(it1->second, it2->second);
bool PhysicsSystem::isOnGround(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor)
Actor* physactor = getActor(actor);
return physactor && physactor->getOnGround();
bool PhysicsSystem::canMoveToWaterSurface(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &actor, const float waterlevel)
return ::canMoveToWaterSurface(getActor(actor), waterlevel, mCollisionWorld.get());
osg::Vec3f PhysicsSystem::getHalfExtents(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &actor) const
const Actor* physactor = getActor(actor);
if (physactor)
return physactor->getHalfExtents();
return osg::Vec3f();
osg::Vec3f PhysicsSystem::getOriginalHalfExtents(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &actor) const
if (const Actor* physactor = getActor(actor))
return physactor->getOriginalHalfExtents();
return osg::Vec3f();
osg::Vec3f PhysicsSystem::getRenderingHalfExtents(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &actor) const
const Actor* physactor = getActor(actor);
if (physactor)
return physactor->getRenderingHalfExtents();
return osg::Vec3f();
osg::BoundingBox PhysicsSystem::getBoundingBox(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &object) const
const Object * physobject = getObject(object);
if (!physobject) return osg::BoundingBox();
btVector3 min, max;
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
mTaskScheduler->getAabb(physobject->getCollisionObject(), min, max);
return osg::BoundingBox(Misc::Convert::toOsg(min), Misc::Convert::toOsg(max));
osg::Vec3f PhysicsSystem::getCollisionObjectPosition(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &actor) const
const Actor* physactor = getActor(actor);
if (physactor)
return physactor->getCollisionObjectPosition();
return osg::Vec3f();
std::vector<ContactPoint> PhysicsSystem::getCollisionsPoints(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr, int collisionGroup, int collisionMask) const
btCollisionObject* me = nullptr;
auto found = mObjects.find(ptr.mRef);
if (found != mObjects.end())
me = found->second->getCollisionObject();
return {};
ContactTestResultCallback resultCallback (me);
resultCallback.m_collisionFilterGroup = collisionGroup;
resultCallback.m_collisionFilterMask = collisionMask;
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
mTaskScheduler->contactTest(me, resultCallback);
return resultCallback.mResult;
11 years ago
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> PhysicsSystem::getCollisions(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr, int collisionGroup, int collisionMask) const
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> actors;
for (auto& [actor, point, normal] : getCollisionsPoints(ptr, collisionGroup, collisionMask))
return actors;
osg::Vec3f PhysicsSystem::traceDown(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const osg::Vec3f& position, float maxHeight)
ActorMap::iterator found = mActors.find(ptr.mRef);
if (found == mActors.end())
return ptr.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3();
return MovementSolver::traceDown(ptr, position, found->second.get(), mCollisionWorld.get(), maxHeight);
13 years ago
void PhysicsSystem::addHeightField(const float* heights, int x, int y, int size, int verts, float minH, float maxH, const osg::Object* holdObject)
mHeightFields[std::make_pair(x,y)] = std::make_unique<HeightField>(heights, x, y, size, verts, minH, maxH, holdObject, mTaskScheduler.get());
void PhysicsSystem::removeHeightField (int x, int y)
HeightFieldMap::iterator heightfield = mHeightFields.find(std::make_pair(x,y));
if(heightfield != mHeightFields.end())
const HeightField* PhysicsSystem::getHeightField(int x, int y) const
const auto heightField = mHeightFields.find(std::make_pair(x, y));
if (heightField == mHeightFields.end())
return nullptr;
return heightField->second.get();
void PhysicsSystem::addObject (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& mesh, osg::Quat rotation, int collisionType)
13 years ago
if (ptr.mRef->mData.mPhysicsPostponed)
osg::ref_ptr<Resource::BulletShapeInstance> shapeInstance = mShapeManager->getInstance(mesh);
if (!shapeInstance || !shapeInstance->getCollisionShape())
auto obj = std::make_shared<Object>(ptr, shapeInstance, rotation, collisionType, mTaskScheduler.get());
mObjects.emplace(ptr.mRef, obj);
if (obj->isAnimated())
void PhysicsSystem::remove(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr)
if (auto foundObject = mObjects.find(ptr.mRef); foundObject != mObjects.end())
else if (auto foundActor = mActors.find(ptr.mRef); foundActor != mActors.end())
void PhysicsSystem::removeProjectile(const int projectileId)
ProjectileMap::iterator foundProjectile = mProjectiles.find(projectileId);
if (foundProjectile != mProjectiles.end())
void PhysicsSystem::updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr &old, const MWWorld::Ptr &updated)
if (auto found = mObjects.find(old.mRef); found != mObjects.end())
else if (auto found = mActors.find(old.mRef); found != mActors.end())
for (auto& [_, actor] : mActors)
if (actor->getStandingOnPtr() == old)
for (auto& [_, projectile] : mProjectiles)
if (projectile->getCaster() == old)
Actor *PhysicsSystem::getActor(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr)
ActorMap::iterator found = mActors.find(ptr.mRef);
if (found != mActors.end())
return found->second.get();
return nullptr;
const Actor *PhysicsSystem::getActor(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr) const
ActorMap::const_iterator found = mActors.find(ptr.mRef);
if (found != mActors.end())
return found->second.get();
return nullptr;
const Object* PhysicsSystem::getObject(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr) const
ObjectMap::const_iterator found = mObjects.find(ptr.mRef);
if (found != mObjects.end())
return found->second.get();
return nullptr;
Projectile* PhysicsSystem::getProjectile(int projectileId) const
ProjectileMap::const_iterator found = mProjectiles.find(projectileId);
if (found != mProjectiles.end())
return found->second.get();
return nullptr;
void PhysicsSystem::updateScale(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr)
if (auto foundObject = mObjects.find(ptr.mRef); foundObject != mObjects.end())
float scale = ptr.getCellRef().getScale();
else if (auto foundActor = mActors.find(ptr.mRef); foundActor != mActors.end())
void PhysicsSystem::updateProjectile(const int projectileId, const osg::Vec3f &position) const
const auto foundProjectile = mProjectiles.find(projectileId);
assert(foundProjectile != mProjectiles.end());
auto* projectile = foundProjectile->second.get();
btVector3 btFrom = Misc::Convert::toBullet(projectile->getPosition());
btVector3 btTo = Misc::Convert::toBullet(position);
if (btFrom == btTo)
ProjectileConvexCallback resultCallback(projectile->getCasterCollisionObject(), projectile->getCollisionObject(), btFrom, btTo, projectile);
resultCallback.m_collisionFilterMask = 0xff;
resultCallback.m_collisionFilterGroup = CollisionType_Projectile;
const btQuaternion btrot = btQuaternion::getIdentity();
btTransform from_ (btrot, btFrom);
btTransform to_ (btrot, btTo);
mTaskScheduler->convexSweepTest(projectile->getConvexShape(), from_, to_, resultCallback);
const auto newpos = projectile->isActive() ? position : Misc::Convert::toOsg(projectile->getHitPosition());
void PhysicsSystem::updateRotation(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, osg::Quat rotate)
if (auto foundObject = mObjects.find(ptr.mRef); foundObject != mObjects.end())
else if (auto foundActor = mActors.find(ptr.mRef); foundActor != mActors.end())
if (!foundActor->second->isRotationallyInvariant())
void PhysicsSystem::updatePosition(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr)
if (auto foundObject = mObjects.find(ptr.mRef); foundObject != mObjects.end())
else if (auto foundActor = mActors.find(ptr.mRef); foundActor != mActors.end())
mTaskScheduler->updateSingleAabb(foundActor->second, true);
void PhysicsSystem::addActor (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& mesh)
osg::ref_ptr<const Resource::BulletShape> shape = mShapeManager->getShape(mesh);
// Try to get shape from basic model as fallback for creatures
if (!ptr.getClass().isNpc() && shape && shape->mCollisionBox.extents.length2() == 0)
const std::string fallbackModel = ptr.getClass().getModel(ptr);
if (fallbackModel != mesh)
shape = mShapeManager->getShape(fallbackModel);
if (!shape)
// check if Actor should spawn above water
const MWMechanics::MagicEffects& effects = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).getMagicEffects();
const bool canWaterWalk = effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::WaterWalking).getMagnitude() > 0;
auto actor = std::make_shared<Actor>(ptr, shape, mTaskScheduler.get(), canWaterWalk);
mActors.emplace(ptr.mRef, std::move(actor));
13 years ago
int PhysicsSystem::addProjectile (const MWWorld::Ptr& caster, const osg::Vec3f& position, const std::string& mesh, bool computeRadius)
osg::ref_ptr<Resource::BulletShapeInstance> shapeInstance = mShapeManager->getInstance(mesh);
float radius = computeRadius ? shapeInstance->mCollisionBox.extents.length() / 2.f : 1.f;
auto projectile = std::make_shared<Projectile>(caster, position, radius, mTaskScheduler.get(), this);
mProjectiles.emplace(mProjectileId, std::move(projectile));
return mProjectileId;
void PhysicsSystem::setCaster(int projectileId, const MWWorld::Ptr& caster)
const auto foundProjectile = mProjectiles.find(projectileId);
assert(foundProjectile != mProjectiles.end());
auto* projectile = foundProjectile->second.get();
13 years ago
bool PhysicsSystem::toggleCollisionMode()
ActorMap::iterator found = mActors.find(MWMechanics::getPlayer().mRef);
if (found != mActors.end())
13 years ago
bool cmode = found->second->getCollisionMode();
cmode = !cmode;
// NB: Collision body isn't disabled for vanilla TCL compatibility
return cmode;
13 years ago
return false;
13 years ago
void PhysicsSystem::queueObjectMovement(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const osg::Vec3f &velocity)
ActorMap::iterator found = mActors.find(ptr.mRef);
if (found != mActors.end())
void PhysicsSystem::clearQueuedMovement()
for (const auto& [_, actor] : mActors)
std::pair<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Actor>>, std::vector<ActorFrameData>> PhysicsSystem::prepareFrameData(bool willSimulate)
std::pair<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Actor>>, std::vector<ActorFrameData>> framedata;
const MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
for (const auto& [ref, physicActor] : mActors)
auto ptr = physicActor->getPtr();
if (!ptr.getClass().isMobile(ptr))
float waterlevel = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
const MWWorld::CellStore *cell = ptr.getCell();
waterlevel = cell->getWaterLevel();
const auto& stats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr);
const MWMechanics::MagicEffects& effects = stats.getMagicEffects();
bool waterCollision = false;
if (cell->getCell()->hasWater() && effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::WaterWalking).getMagnitude())
if (physicActor->getCollisionMode() || !world->isUnderwater(ptr.getCell(), ptr.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()))
waterCollision = true;
// Slow fall reduces fall speed by a factor of (effect magnitude / 200)
const float slowFall = 1.f - std::max(0.f, std::min(1.f, effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::SlowFall).getMagnitude() * 0.005f));
const bool godmode = ptr == world->getPlayerConstPtr() && world->getGodModeState();
const bool inert = stats.isDead() || (!godmode && stats.getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::Paralyze).getModifier() > 0);
framedata.second.emplace_back(*physicActor, inert, waterCollision, slowFall, waterlevel);
// if the simulation will run, a jump request will be fulfilled. Update mechanics accordingly.
if (willSimulate)
return framedata;
void PhysicsSystem::stepSimulation(float dt, bool skipSimulation, osg::Timer_t frameStart, unsigned int frameNumber, osg::Stats& stats)
for (Object* animatedObject : mAnimatedObjects)
if (animatedObject->animateCollisionShapes())
auto obj = mObjects.find(animatedObject->getPtr().mRef);
assert(obj != mObjects.end());
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
mTimeAccum += dt;
if (skipSimulation)
auto [actors, framedata] = prepareFrameData(mTimeAccum >= mPhysicsDt);
// modifies mTimeAccum
mTaskScheduler->applyQueuedMovements(mTimeAccum, std::move(actors), std::move(framedata), frameStart, frameNumber, stats);
void PhysicsSystem::moveActors()
auto* player = getActor(MWMechanics::getPlayer());
auto* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
// copy new ptr position in temporary vector. player is handled separately as its movement might change active cell.
std::vector<std::pair<MWWorld::Ptr, osg::Vec3f>> newPositions;
newPositions.reserve(mActors.size() - 1);
for (const auto& [ptr, physicActor] : mActors)
if (physicActor.get() == player)
newPositions.emplace_back(physicActor->getPtr(), physicActor->getSimulationPosition());
for (auto& [ptr, pos] : newPositions)
world->moveObject(ptr, pos, false, false);
world->moveObject(player->getPtr(), player->getSimulationPosition(), false, false);
void PhysicsSystem::updateAnimatedCollisionShape(const MWWorld::Ptr& object)
ObjectMap::iterator found = mObjects.find(object.mRef);
if (found != mObjects.end())
if (found->second->animateCollisionShapes())
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
void PhysicsSystem::debugDraw()
if (mDebugDrawEnabled)
bool PhysicsSystem::isActorStandingOn(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, const MWWorld::ConstPtr &object) const
const auto physActor = mActors.find(actor.mRef);
if (physActor != mActors.end())
return physActor->second->getStandingOnPtr() == object;
return false;
void PhysicsSystem::getActorsStandingOn(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &object, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> &out) const
for (const auto& [_, actor] : mActors)
if (actor->getStandingOnPtr() == object)
bool PhysicsSystem::isActorCollidingWith(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, const MWWorld::ConstPtr &object) const
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> collisions = getCollisions(object, CollisionType_World, CollisionType_Actor);
return (std::find(collisions.begin(), collisions.end(), actor) != collisions.end());
void PhysicsSystem::getActorsCollidingWith(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &object, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> &out) const
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> collisions = getCollisions(object, CollisionType_World, CollisionType_Actor);
out.insert(out.end(), collisions.begin(), collisions.end());
void PhysicsSystem::disableWater()
if (mWaterEnabled)
mWaterEnabled = false;
void PhysicsSystem::enableWater(float height)
if (!mWaterEnabled || mWaterHeight != height)
mWaterEnabled = true;
mWaterHeight = height;
void PhysicsSystem::setWaterHeight(float height)
if (mWaterHeight != height)
mWaterHeight = height;
void PhysicsSystem::updateWater()
if (mWaterCollisionObject)
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
if (!mWaterEnabled)
mWaterCollisionObject.reset(new btCollisionObject());
mWaterCollisionShape.reset(new btStaticPlaneShape(btVector3(0,0,1), mWaterHeight));
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
mTaskScheduler->addCollisionObject(mWaterCollisionObject.get(), CollisionType_Water,
bool PhysicsSystem::isAreaOccupiedByOtherActor(const osg::Vec3f& position, const float radius,
const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ignore, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>* occupyingActors) const
btCollisionObject* object = nullptr;
const auto it = mActors.find(ignore.mRef);
if (it != mActors.end())
object = it->second->getCollisionObject();
const auto bulletPosition = Misc::Convert::toBullet(position);
const auto aabbMin = bulletPosition - btVector3(radius, radius, radius);
const auto aabbMax = bulletPosition + btVector3(radius, radius, radius);
const int mask = MWPhysics::CollisionType_Actor;
const int group = 0xff;
if (occupyingActors == nullptr)
HasSphereCollisionCallback callback(bulletPosition, radius, object, mask, group,
static_cast<void (*)(const btCollisionObject*)>(nullptr));
mTaskScheduler->aabbTest(aabbMin, aabbMax, callback);
return callback.getResult();
const auto onCollision = [&] (const btCollisionObject* object)
if (PtrHolder* holder = static_cast<PtrHolder*>(object->getUserPointer()))
HasSphereCollisionCallback callback(bulletPosition, radius, object, mask, group, &onCollision);
Process movement queue in one or several background threads Before movement calculation, the main thread prepare a vector of ActorFrameData, which contains all data necessary to perform the simulation, and feed it to the solver. At the same time it fetches the result from the previous background simulation, which in turn is used by the game mechanics. Other functions of the physics system (weapon hit for instance) interrupt the background simulation, with some exceptions described below. The number of threads is controlled by the numeric setting [Physics] async num threads In case 'async num threads' > 1 and Bullet doesn't support multiple threads, 1 async thread will be used. 0 means synchronous solver. Additional settings (will be silently switched off if async num threads = 0) [Physics] defer aabb update Update AABBs of actors and objects in the background thread(s). It is not an especially costly operation, but it needs exclusive access to the collision world, which blocks other operations. Since AABB needs to be updated for collision detection, one can queue them to defer update before start of the movement solver. Extensive tests on as much as one installation (mine) show no drawback having that switched on. [Physics] lineofsight keep inactive cache Control for how long (how many frames) the line of sight (LOS) request will be kept updated. When a request for LOS is made for the first time, the background threads are stopped to service it. From now on, the LOS will be refreshed preemptively as part of the background routine until it is not required for lineofsight keep inactive cache frames. This mean that subsequent request will not interrupt the background computation.
4 years ago
mTaskScheduler->aabbTest(aabbMin, aabbMax, callback);
return callback.getResult();
void PhysicsSystem::reportStats(unsigned int frameNumber, osg::Stats& stats) const
stats.setAttribute(frameNumber, "Physics Actors", mActors.size());
stats.setAttribute(frameNumber, "Physics Objects", mObjects.size());
stats.setAttribute(frameNumber, "Physics Projectiles", mProjectiles.size());
stats.setAttribute(frameNumber, "Physics HeightFields", mHeightFields.size());
void PhysicsSystem::reportCollision(const btVector3& position, const btVector3& normal)
if (mDebugDrawEnabled)
mDebugDrawer->addCollision(position, normal);
ActorFrameData::ActorFrameData(Actor& actor, bool inert, bool waterCollision, float slowFall, float waterlevel)
: mPosition()
, mStandingOn(nullptr)
, mIsOnGround(actor.getOnGround())
, mIsOnSlope(actor.getOnSlope())
, mWalkingOnWater(false)
, mInert(inert)
, mCollisionObject(actor.getCollisionObject())
, mSwimLevel(waterlevel - (actor.getRenderingHalfExtents().z() * 2 * MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fSwimHeightScale")->mValue.getFloat()))
, mSlowFall(slowFall)
, mRotation()
, mMovement(actor.velocity())
, mWaterlevel(waterlevel)
, mHalfExtentsZ(actor.getHalfExtents().z())
, mOldHeight(0)
, mStuckFrames(0)
, mFlying(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isFlying(actor.getPtr()))
, mWasOnGround(actor.getOnGround())
, mIsAquatic(actor.getPtr().getClass().isPureWaterCreature(actor.getPtr()))
, mWaterCollision(waterCollision)
, mSkipCollisionDetection(actor.skipCollisions() || !actor.getCollisionMode())
void ActorFrameData::updatePosition(Actor& actor, btCollisionWorld* world)
mPosition = actor.getPosition();
if (mWaterCollision && mPosition.z() < mWaterlevel && canMoveToWaterSurface(&actor, mWaterlevel, world))
mPosition.z() = mWaterlevel;
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->moveObject(actor.getPtr(), mPosition, false);
mOldHeight = mPosition.z();
const auto rotation = actor.getPtr().getRefData().getPosition().asRotationVec3();
mRotation = osg::Vec2f(rotation.x(), rotation.z());
mInertia = actor.getInertialForce();
mStuckFrames = actor.getStuckFrames();
mLastStuckPosition = actor.getLastStuckPosition();
: mIsInStorm(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isInStorm())
, mStormDirection(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStormDirection())
LOSRequest::LOSRequest(const std::weak_ptr<Actor>& a1, const std::weak_ptr<Actor>& a2)
: mResult(false), mStale(false), mAge(0)
// we use raw actor pointer pair to uniquely identify request
// sort the pointer value in ascending order to not duplicate equivalent requests, eg. getLOS(A, B) and getLOS(B, A)
auto* raw1 = a1.lock().get();
auto* raw2 = a2.lock().get();
assert(raw1 != raw2);
if (raw1 < raw2)
mActors = {a1, a2};
mRawActors = {raw1, raw2};
mActors = {a2, a1};
mRawActors = {raw2, raw1};
bool operator==(const LOSRequest& lhs, const LOSRequest& rhs) noexcept
return lhs.mRawActors == rhs.mRawActors;
13 years ago