@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module terrain.generator;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.math2;
import std.c.string;
import terrain.cachewriter;
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void generate(char[] filename)
texSizes[5] = 512;
texSizes[4] = 256;
texSizes[3] = 256;
texSizes[2] = 256;
texSizes[2] = 512;
texSizes[1] = 64;
// Set some general parameters for the runtime
@ -144,6 +144,20 @@ struct GenLevelResult
quad.meshes[0].alphas[i].buffer = data[i*s..(i+1)*s];
// Get the height offset
float getHeight()
assert(quad.meshes.length == 1);
return quad.meshes[0].info.heightOffset;
// The default mesh starts at 2048 = 256*8 units below water
// level.
return -256;
bool isEmpty()
return (data.length == 0) && !hasMesh;
@ -265,10 +279,8 @@ struct GenLevelResult
mi.vertRows = size;
mi.vertCols = size;
// 1 height + 3 normal components = 4 bytes per vertex. The reader
// algorithm (fillVertexBuffer) needs 1 extra byte so add that
// too.
mh.vertexBuffer = new byte[4*size*size+1];
// 2 height bytes + 3 normal components = 5 bytes per vertex.
mh.vertexBuffer = new byte[5*size*size];
hasMesh = true;
@ -304,20 +316,7 @@ void genIndexData()
scope auto _trc = new MTrace("genIndexData");
// Generate mesh data for each level.
TODO: The mesh data is very easy to generate, and we haven't
really tested whether it's worth it to pregenerate it rather than
to just calculate it at runtime. Unlike the index buffer below
(which is just a memcpy at runtime, and definitely worth
pregenerating), we have to loop through all the vertices at
runtime anyway in order to splice this with the height data. It's
possible that the additional memory use, pluss the slowdown
(CPU-cache-wise) of reading from two buffers instead of one, makes
it worthwhile to generate this data at runtime instead. However I
guess the differences will be very small either way.
// FIXME: Do this at runtime.
for(int lev=1; lev<=6; lev++)
// Make a new buffer to store the data
@ -353,7 +352,7 @@ void genIndexData()
// Next up, triangle indices
// Pregenerate triangle indices
int size = 64*64*6;
auto indList = new ushort[size];
int index = 0;
@ -531,8 +530,9 @@ void genLevel1Meshes(ref GenLevelResult res)
// The vertex data from the ESM
byte data = heightData[offs];
// Write the height byte
verts[index++] = data;
// Write the height value as a short (2 bytes)
*(cast(short*)&verts[index]) = data;
// Calculate the height here, even though we don't store
// it. We use it to find the min and max values.
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ void genLevel1Meshes(ref GenLevelResult res)
// Make sure we wrote exactly the right amount of data
assert(index == verts.length-1);
assert(index == verts.length);
// Store the min/max values
mi.minHeight = min * 8;
@ -864,111 +864,160 @@ void mergeMesh(GenLevelResult[] sub, ref GenLevelResult res)
// level above the cell level.
int shift = res.quad.info.level - 1;
assert(shift >= 1);
// Constants
int intervals = 64;
int vertNum = intervals+1;
int vertSep = 128 << shift;
assert(sub.length == 4);
// Allocate the result buffer
MeshHolder *mh = &res.quad.meshes[0];
MeshInfo *mi = &mh.info;
// Basic info
mi.worldWidth = vertSep*intervals;
assert(mi.worldWidth == 8192<<shift);
mi.worldWidth = 8192 << shift;
// Get the height from the first cell
float rowheight;
rowheight = 0.0;
rowheight = sub[0].quad.meshes[0].info.heightOffset;
// Copy the mesh height from the top left mesh
mi.heightOffset = sub[0].getHeight();
// This is also the offset for the entire mesh
mi.heightOffset = rowheight;
// Output buffer
byte verts[] = mh.vertexBuffer;
// Just set bogus data for now
int[] tmp = cast(int[])mh.vertexBuffer[0..$-1];
tmp[] = 0x7f000000;
float scale = 8.0 * (1<<shift);
mi.minHeight = mi.maxHeight = mi.heightOffset * scale;
// Bytes per vertex
const int VSIZE = 5;
// Used to calculate the max and min heights
float minh = 300000.0;
float maxh = -300000.0;
byte *vertPtr = mh.vertexBuffer.ptr;
foreach(si, s; sub)
int SX = si % 2;
int SY = si / 2;
// First off, rewrite this to use indices instead of pointers. It's
// much safer and clearer.
// Find the offset in the destination buffer
int dest = SX*32 + SY*65*32;
dest *= VSIZE;
// Loop through each 'row' of submeshes
for(int subY=0; subY<2; subY++)
void putValue(int val)
// Loop through each row of vertices
for(int row=0; row<65; row++)
assert(val >= short.min && val <= short.max);
*(cast(short*)&verts[dest]) = val;
dest += 2;
// FIXME: Ok, we have to skip each other row as well, of course.
auto m = &s.quad.meshes[0];
auto i = &m.info;
// Loop through both sub meshes, left and right
for(int subX=0; subX<2; subX++)
minh = min(minh, i.minHeight);
maxh = max(maxh, i.maxHeight);
byte[] source = m.vertexBuffer;
int src = 0;
int getValue()
GenLevelResult *s = &sub[subX+2*subY];
int s = *(cast(short*)&source[src]);
src += 2;
return s;
// Check if we have any data
if(!s.isEmpty() && 0)
// Loop through all the vertices in the mesh
for(int y=0;y<33;y++)
MeshHolder *smh = &s.quad.meshes[0];
byte* inPtr = smh.vertexBuffer.ptr;
// Skip the first row in the mesh if there was a mesh
// above us. We assume that the previously written row
// already has the correct information.
if(y==0 && SY != 0)
src += 65*VSIZE;
dest += 65*VSIZE;
// Loop through each vertex in this mesh. We skip two
// at a time.
for(int v=0; v<64; v+=2)
// Handle the first vertex of the row outside the
// loop.
int height = getValue();
// If this isn't the very first row, sum up two row
// heights and skip the first row.
// Handle the v=0 case
// Skip the rest of the row.
src += 64*VSIZE + 3;
// Add the second height
height += getValue();
// Count the height from the two next vertices
int data = *inPtr++;
inPtr++;inPtr++;inPtr++; // Skip the first normal
data += *inPtr++;
// Divide by two, since the result needs to fit in
// one byte. We compensate for this when we regen
// the mesh at runtime.
data >>= 1;
assert(data < 128 && data >= -128);
// Copy the normal
verts[dest++] = source[src++];
verts[dest++] = source[src++];
verts[dest++] = source[src++];
// Loop through the remaining 64 vertices in this row,
// processing two at a time.
for(int x=0;x<32;x++)
height = getValue();
*vertPtr++ = data;
// Sum up the next two heights
src += 3; // Skip normal
height += getValue();
// Copy over the normal
*vertPtr++ = *inPtr++;
*vertPtr++ = *inPtr++;
*vertPtr++ = *inPtr++;
// Set the height
// Copy the normal
verts[dest++] = source[src++];
verts[dest++] = source[src++];
verts[dest++] = source[src++];
// Skip to the next row
dest += 32*VSIZE;
// Store the last one here. It _should_ be the
// same as the first in the next section, if
// present.
assert(src == source.length);
// No data in this mesh. Just write zeros.
for(int v=0; v<32; v++)
minh = min(minh, -2048);
maxh = max(maxh, -2048);
// Set all the vertices to zero.
for(int y=0;y<33;y++)
// Height
*vertPtr++ = 0;
if(y==0 && SY != 0)
dest += 65*VSIZE;
// Normal, pointing straight upwards
*vertPtr++ = 0;
*vertPtr++ = 0;
*vertPtr++ = 0x7f;
for(int x=0;x<33;x++)
if(x==0 && SX != 0)
dest += VSIZE;
// Zero height and vertical normal
verts[dest++] = 0;
verts[dest++] = 0;
verts[dest++] = 0;
verts[dest++] = 0;
verts[dest++] = 0x7f;
// Skip to the next row
dest += 32*VSIZE;
assert(vertPtr == mh.vertexBuffer.ptr + mh.vertexBuffer.length - 1);
// Set max and min values here
mi.minHeight = minh;
mi.maxHeight = maxh;
assert(minh <= maxh);
// ------- OLD CODE - use these snippets later -------