@ -232,16 +232,36 @@ namespace LuaUtil
// work around for a (likely) sol3 bug
// when the index meta method throws, simply calling table.get crashes instead of re-throwing the error
template <class Key>
sol::object safe_get(const sol::table& table, const Key& key)
auto index = table.traverse_raw_get<sol::optional<sol::main_protected_function>>(
sol::metatable_key, sol::meta_function::index);
if (index)
sol::protected_function_result result = index.value()(table, key);
if (result.valid())
return result.get<sol::object>();
throw result.get<sol::error>();
return table.raw_get<sol::object>(key);
// getFieldOrNil(table, "a", "b", "c") returns table["a"]["b"]["c"] or nil if some of the fields doesn't exist.
// getFieldOrNil(table, "a", "b", "c") returns table["a"]["b"]["c"] or nil if some of the fields doesn't exist.
template <class... Str>
template <class... Str>
sol::object getFieldOrNil(const sol::object& table, std::string_view first, const Str&... str)
sol::object getFieldOrNil(const sol::object& table, std::string_view first, const Str&... str)
if (!table.is<sol::table>())
if (!table.is<sol::table>())
return sol::nil;
return sol::nil;
sol::object value = safe_get(table.as<sol::table>(), first);
if constexpr (sizeof...(str) == 0)
if constexpr (sizeof...(str) == 0)
return table.as<sol::table>()[first];
return value;
return getFieldOrNil(table.as<sol::table>()[first], str...);
return getFieldOrNil(value, str...);
// String representation of a Lua object. Should be used for debugging/logging purposes only.
// String representation of a Lua object. Should be used for debugging/logging purposes only.