Actors may have different collision shapes. Currently there are axis-aligned
bounding boxes and rotating bounding boxes. With AABB it's required to use
bounding cylinder for navmesh agent to avoid providing paths where actor can't
pass. But for rotating bounding boxes cylinder with diameter equal to the front
face width should be used to not reduce of available paths. For example rats
have rotating bounding box as collision shape because of the difference between
front and side faces width.
* Add agent bounds to navmesh tile db cache key. This is required to distinguish
tiles for agents with different bounds.
* Increase navmesh version because navmesh tile db cache key and data has changed.
* Move navmesh version to the code to avoid misconfiguration by users.
* Fix all places where wrong half extents were used for pathfinding.
That are based on half extents used to find path over navmesh which is different
for interior and exterior cells.
Use common functions to get agent height and radius for actor path rendering and
navmesh generation.
Perform all request to db in a single thread to avoid blocking navmesh
generator threads due to slow write operations.
Write to db navmesh for all changes except update as it done for memory cache.
Batch multiple db operations into a single transaction to speed up writing by
not executing fsync after each insert/update query. All reads are performed in
the same transaction so they see uncommited data.
This saves cache capacity when a scene contains objects contantly transforming
by scripts and causing changes in navmesh. The probability to get cache hit for
such states is almost zero because even a constant change in a single float
value may give up to 2^32 different states.
To make sure RecastMesh objects are equal if built with the same data but in
different order. Will be used later when there will be more than one place
building RecasMesh objects.
To reduce cache size and make it more flexible.
Adding off mesh connections to the navmesh is the last step of navmesh
generation and it's very fast comparing to other steps (microseconds vs
milliseconds). Having less cache size makes get and set operations almost 2x
times faster that also have an order of microseconds. So in total there is
no performance impact.
This AABB tree required when need to filter out input mesh that has not
influence navmesh tile output. This filtering is already done before. Each
recast mesh corresponds to a single navmesh tile and has appropriate bounds.
It fills with walkable triangles but right after it's overwritten
and rcClearUnwalkableTriangles is called instead that fills with
unwalkable triangles.