mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 19:09:40 +00:00
935 lines
36 KiB
935 lines
36 KiB
Copyright (C) 2015-2020 cc9cii
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
cc9cii cc9c@iinet.net.au
Much of the information on the data structures are based on the information
from Tes4Mod:Mod_File_Format and Tes5Mod:File_Formats but also refined by
trial & error. See http://en.uesp.net/wiki for details.
#ifndef ESM4_COMMON_H
#define ESM4_COMMON_H
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <components/esm/defs.hpp>
#include "formid.hpp"
namespace ESM4
using ESM::fourCC;
// Based on http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:Mod_File_Format
enum RecordTypes
REC_AACT = fourCC("AACT"), // Action
REC_ACHR = fourCC("ACHR"), // Actor Reference
REC_ACTI = fourCC("ACTI"), // Activator
REC_ADDN = fourCC("ADDN"), // Addon Node
REC_ALCH = fourCC("ALCH"), // Potion
REC_AMMO = fourCC("AMMO"), // Ammo
REC_ANIO = fourCC("ANIO"), // Animated Object
REC_APPA = fourCC("APPA"), // Apparatus (probably unused)
REC_ARMA = fourCC("ARMA"), // Armature (Model)
REC_ARMO = fourCC("ARMO"), // Armor
REC_ARTO = fourCC("ARTO"), // Art Object
REC_ASPC = fourCC("ASPC"), // Acoustic Space
REC_ASTP = fourCC("ASTP"), // Association Type
REC_AVIF = fourCC("AVIF"), // Actor Values/Perk Tree Graphics
REC_BOOK = fourCC("BOOK"), // Book
REC_BPTD = fourCC("BPTD"), // Body Part Data
REC_CAMS = fourCC("CAMS"), // Camera Shot
REC_CELL = fourCC("CELL"), // Cell
REC_CLAS = fourCC("CLAS"), // Class
REC_CLFM = fourCC("CLFM"), // Color
REC_CLMT = fourCC("CLMT"), // Climate
REC_CLOT = fourCC("CLOT"), // Clothing
REC_COBJ = fourCC("COBJ"), // Constructible Object (recipes)
REC_COLL = fourCC("COLL"), // Collision Layer
REC_CONT = fourCC("CONT"), // Container
REC_CPTH = fourCC("CPTH"), // Camera Path
REC_CREA = fourCC("CREA"), // Creature
REC_CSTY = fourCC("CSTY"), // Combat Style
REC_DEBR = fourCC("DEBR"), // Debris
REC_DIAL = fourCC("DIAL"), // Dialog Topic
REC_DLBR = fourCC("DLBR"), // Dialog Branch
REC_DLVW = fourCC("DLVW"), // Dialog View
REC_DOBJ = fourCC("DOBJ"), // Default Object Manager
REC_DOOR = fourCC("DOOR"), // Door
REC_DUAL = fourCC("DUAL"), // Dual Cast Data (possibly unused)
REC_ECZN = fourCC("ECZN"), // Encounter Zone
REC_EFSH = fourCC("EFSH"), // Effect Shader
REC_ENCH = fourCC("ENCH"), // Enchantment
REC_EQUP = fourCC("EQUP"), // Equip Slot (flag-type values)
REC_EXPL = fourCC("EXPL"), // Explosion
REC_EYES = fourCC("EYES"), // Eyes
REC_FACT = fourCC("FACT"), // Faction
REC_FLOR = fourCC("FLOR"), // Flora
REC_FLST = fourCC("FLST"), // Form List (non-levelled list)
REC_FSTP = fourCC("FSTP"), // Footstep
REC_FSTS = fourCC("FSTS"), // Footstep Set
REC_FURN = fourCC("FURN"), // Furniture
REC_GLOB = fourCC("GLOB"), // Global Variable
REC_GMST = fourCC("GMST"), // Game Setting
REC_GRAS = fourCC("GRAS"), // Grass
REC_GRUP = fourCC("GRUP"), // Form Group
REC_HAIR = fourCC("HAIR"), // Hair
REC_HAZD = fourCC("HAZD"), // Hazard
REC_HDPT = fourCC("HDPT"), // Head Part
REC_IDLE = fourCC("IDLE"), // Idle Animation
REC_IDLM = fourCC("IDLM"), // Idle Marker
REC_IMAD = fourCC("IMAD"), // Image Space Modifier
REC_IMGS = fourCC("IMGS"), // Image Space
REC_INFO = fourCC("INFO"), // Dialog Topic Info
REC_INGR = fourCC("INGR"), // Ingredient
REC_IPCT = fourCC("IPCT"), // Impact Data
REC_IPDS = fourCC("IPDS"), // Impact Data Set
REC_KEYM = fourCC("KEYM"), // Key
REC_KYWD = fourCC("KYWD"), // Keyword
REC_LAND = fourCC("LAND"), // Land
REC_LCRT = fourCC("LCRT"), // Location Reference Type
REC_LCTN = fourCC("LCTN"), // Location
REC_LGTM = fourCC("LGTM"), // Lighting Template
REC_LIGH = fourCC("LIGH"), // Light
REC_LSCR = fourCC("LSCR"), // Load Screen
REC_LTEX = fourCC("LTEX"), // Land Texture
REC_LVLC = fourCC("LVLC"), // Leveled Creature
REC_LVLI = fourCC("LVLI"), // Leveled Item
REC_LVLN = fourCC("LVLN"), // Leveled Actor
REC_LVSP = fourCC("LVSP"), // Leveled Spell
REC_MATO = fourCC("MATO"), // Material Object
REC_MATT = fourCC("MATT"), // Material Type
REC_MESG = fourCC("MESG"), // Message
REC_MGEF = fourCC("MGEF"), // Magic Effect
REC_MISC = fourCC("MISC"), // Misc. Object
REC_MOVT = fourCC("MOVT"), // Movement Type
REC_MSTT = fourCC("MSTT"), // Movable Static
REC_MUSC = fourCC("MUSC"), // Music Type
REC_MUST = fourCC("MUST"), // Music Track
REC_NAVI = fourCC("NAVI"), // Navigation (master data)
REC_NAVM = fourCC("NAVM"), // Nav Mesh
REC_NOTE = fourCC("NOTE"), // Note
REC_NPC_ = fourCC("NPC_"), // Actor (NPC, Creature)
REC_OTFT = fourCC("OTFT"), // Outfit
REC_PACK = fourCC("PACK"), // AI Package
REC_PERK = fourCC("PERK"), // Perk
REC_PGRE = fourCC("PGRE"), // Placed grenade
REC_PHZD = fourCC("PHZD"), // Placed hazard
REC_PROJ = fourCC("PROJ"), // Projectile
REC_QUST = fourCC("QUST"), // Quest
REC_RACE = fourCC("RACE"), // Race / Creature type
REC_REFR = fourCC("REFR"), // Object Reference
REC_REGN = fourCC("REGN"), // Region (Audio/Weather)
REC_RELA = fourCC("RELA"), // Relationship
REC_REVB = fourCC("REVB"), // Reverb Parameters
REC_RFCT = fourCC("RFCT"), // Visual Effect
REC_SBSP = fourCC("SBSP"), // Subspace (TES4 only?)
REC_SCEN = fourCC("SCEN"), // Scene
REC_SCPT = fourCC("SCPT"), // Script
REC_SCRL = fourCC("SCRL"), // Scroll
REC_SGST = fourCC("SGST"), // Sigil Stone
REC_SHOU = fourCC("SHOU"), // Shout
REC_SLGM = fourCC("SLGM"), // Soul Gem
REC_SMBN = fourCC("SMBN"), // Story Manager Branch Node
REC_SMEN = fourCC("SMEN"), // Story Manager Event Node
REC_SMQN = fourCC("SMQN"), // Story Manager Quest Node
REC_SNCT = fourCC("SNCT"), // Sound Category
REC_SNDR = fourCC("SNDR"), // Sound Reference
REC_SOPM = fourCC("SOPM"), // Sound Output Model
REC_SOUN = fourCC("SOUN"), // Sound
REC_SPEL = fourCC("SPEL"), // Spell
REC_SPGD = fourCC("SPGD"), // Shader Particle Geometry
REC_STAT = fourCC("STAT"), // Static
REC_TACT = fourCC("TACT"), // Talking Activator
REC_TERM = fourCC("TERM"), // Terminal
REC_TES4 = fourCC("TES4"), // Plugin info
REC_TREE = fourCC("TREE"), // Tree
REC_TXST = fourCC("TXST"), // Texture Set
REC_VTYP = fourCC("VTYP"), // Voice Type
REC_WATR = fourCC("WATR"), // Water Type
REC_WEAP = fourCC("WEAP"), // Weapon
REC_WOOP = fourCC("WOOP"), // Word Of Power
REC_WRLD = fourCC("WRLD"), // World Space
REC_WTHR = fourCC("WTHR"), // Weather
REC_ACRE = fourCC("ACRE"), // Placed Creature (TES4 only?)
REC_PGRD = fourCC("PGRD"), // Pathgrid (TES4 only?)
REC_ROAD = fourCC("ROAD"), // Road (TES4 only?)
REC_IMOD = fourCC("IMOD"), // Item Mod
REC_PWAT = fourCC("PWAT"), // Placeable Water
REC_SCOL = fourCC("SCOL"), // Static Collection
REC_CCRD = fourCC("CCRD"), // Caravan Card
REC_CMNY = fourCC("CMNY"), // Caravan Money
REC_ALOC = fourCC("ALOC"), // Audio Location Controller
REC_MSET = fourCC("MSET") // Media Set
enum SubRecordTypes
SUB_HEDR = fourCC("HEDR"),
SUB_CNAM = fourCC("CNAM"),
SUB_SNAM = fourCC("SNAM"), // TES4 only?
SUB_MAST = fourCC("MAST"),
SUB_DATA = fourCC("DATA"),
SUB_ONAM = fourCC("ONAM"),
SUB_INTV = fourCC("INTV"),
SUB_INCC = fourCC("INCC"),
SUB_OFST = fourCC("OFST"), // TES4 only?
SUB_DELE = fourCC("DELE"), // TES4 only?
SUB_DNAM = fourCC("DNAM"),
SUB_EDID = fourCC("EDID"),
SUB_FULL = fourCC("FULL"),
SUB_LTMP = fourCC("LTMP"),
SUB_MHDT = fourCC("MHDT"),
SUB_MNAM = fourCC("MNAM"),
SUB_MODL = fourCC("MODL"),
SUB_NAM0 = fourCC("NAM0"),
SUB_NAM2 = fourCC("NAM2"),
SUB_NAM3 = fourCC("NAM3"),
SUB_NAM4 = fourCC("NAM4"),
SUB_NAM9 = fourCC("NAM9"),
SUB_NAMA = fourCC("NAMA"),
SUB_PNAM = fourCC("PNAM"),
SUB_RNAM = fourCC("RNAM"),
SUB_TNAM = fourCC("TNAM"),
SUB_UNAM = fourCC("UNAM"),
SUB_WCTR = fourCC("WCTR"),
SUB_WNAM = fourCC("WNAM"),
SUB_XEZN = fourCC("XEZN"),
SUB_XLCN = fourCC("XLCN"),
SUB_XXXX = fourCC("XXXX"),
SUB_ZNAM = fourCC("ZNAM"),
SUB_MODT = fourCC("MODT"),
SUB_ICON = fourCC("ICON"), // TES4 only?
SUB_NVER = fourCC("NVER"),
SUB_NVMI = fourCC("NVMI"),
SUB_NVPP = fourCC("NVPP"),
SUB_NVSI = fourCC("NVSI"),
SUB_NVNM = fourCC("NVNM"),
SUB_NNAM = fourCC("NNAM"),
SUB_XCLC = fourCC("XCLC"),
SUB_XCLL = fourCC("XCLL"),
SUB_TVDT = fourCC("TVDT"),
SUB_XCGD = fourCC("XCGD"),
SUB_LNAM = fourCC("LNAM"),
SUB_XCLW = fourCC("XCLW"),
SUB_XNAM = fourCC("XNAM"),
SUB_XCLR = fourCC("XCLR"),
SUB_XWCS = fourCC("XWCS"),
SUB_XWCN = fourCC("XWCN"),
SUB_XWCU = fourCC("XWCU"),
SUB_XCWT = fourCC("XCWT"),
SUB_XOWN = fourCC("XOWN"),
SUB_XILL = fourCC("XILL"),
SUB_XWEM = fourCC("XWEM"),
SUB_XCCM = fourCC("XCCM"),
SUB_XCAS = fourCC("XCAS"),
SUB_XCMO = fourCC("XCMO"),
SUB_XCIM = fourCC("XCIM"),
SUB_XCMT = fourCC("XCMT"), // TES4 only?
SUB_XRNK = fourCC("XRNK"), // TES4 only?
SUB_XGLB = fourCC("XGLB"), // TES4 only?
SUB_VNML = fourCC("VNML"),
SUB_VHGT = fourCC("VHGT"),
SUB_VCLR = fourCC("VCLR"),
SUA_BTXT = fourCC("BTXT"),
SUB_ATXT = fourCC("ATXT"),
SUB_VTXT = fourCC("VTXT"),
SUB_VTEX = fourCC("VTEX"),
SUB_HNAM = fourCC("HNAM"),
SUB_GNAM = fourCC("GNAM"),
SUB_RCLR = fourCC("RCLR"),
SUB_RPLI = fourCC("RPLI"),
SUB_RPLD = fourCC("RPLD"),
SUB_RDAT = fourCC("RDAT"),
SUB_RDMD = fourCC("RDMD"), // TES4 only?
SUB_RDSD = fourCC("RDSD"), // TES4 only?
SUB_RDGS = fourCC("RDGS"), // TES4 only?
SUB_RDMO = fourCC("RDMO"),
SUB_RDSA = fourCC("RDSA"),
SUB_RDWT = fourCC("RDWT"),
SUB_RDOT = fourCC("RDOT"),
SUB_RDMP = fourCC("RDMP"),
SUB_MODB = fourCC("MODB"),
SUB_OBND = fourCC("OBND"),
SUB_MODS = fourCC("MODS"),
SUB_NAME = fourCC("NAME"),
SUB_XMRK = fourCC("XMRK"),
SUB_FNAM = fourCC("FNAM"),
SUB_XSCL = fourCC("XSCL"),
SUB_XTEL = fourCC("XTEL"),
SUB_XTRG = fourCC("XTRG"),
SUB_XSED = fourCC("XSED"),
SUB_XLOD = fourCC("XLOD"),
SUB_XPCI = fourCC("XPCI"),
SUB_XLOC = fourCC("XLOC"),
SUB_XESP = fourCC("XESP"),
SUB_XLCM = fourCC("XLCM"),
SUB_XRTM = fourCC("XRTM"),
SUB_XACT = fourCC("XACT"),
SUB_XCNT = fourCC("XCNT"),
SUB_VMAD = fourCC("VMAD"),
SUB_XPRM = fourCC("XPRM"),
SUB_XMBO = fourCC("XMBO"),
SUB_XPOD = fourCC("XPOD"),
SUB_XRMR = fourCC("XRMR"),
SUB_INAM = fourCC("INAM"),
SUB_SCHR = fourCC("SCHR"),
SUB_XLRM = fourCC("XLRM"),
SUB_XRGD = fourCC("XRGD"),
SUB_XRDS = fourCC("XRDS"),
SUB_XEMI = fourCC("XEMI"),
SUB_XLIG = fourCC("XLIG"),
SUB_XALP = fourCC("XALP"),
SUB_XNDP = fourCC("XNDP"),
SUB_XAPD = fourCC("XAPD"),
SUB_XAPR = fourCC("XAPR"),
SUB_XLIB = fourCC("XLIB"),
SUB_XLKR = fourCC("XLKR"),
SUB_XLRT = fourCC("XLRT"),
SUB_XCVL = fourCC("XCVL"),
SUB_XCVR = fourCC("XCVR"),
SUB_XCZA = fourCC("XCZA"),
SUB_XCZC = fourCC("XCZC"),
SUB_XFVC = fourCC("XFVC"),
SUB_XHTW = fourCC("XHTW"),
SUB_XIS2 = fourCC("XIS2"),
SUB_XMBR = fourCC("XMBR"),
SUB_XCCP = fourCC("XCCP"),
SUB_XPWR = fourCC("XPWR"),
SUB_XTRI = fourCC("XTRI"),
SUB_XATR = fourCC("XATR"),
SUB_XPRD = fourCC("XPRD"),
SUB_XPPA = fourCC("XPPA"),
SUB_PDTO = fourCC("PDTO"),
SUB_XLRL = fourCC("XLRL"),
SUB_QNAM = fourCC("QNAM"),
SUB_COCT = fourCC("COCT"),
SUB_COED = fourCC("COED"),
SUB_CNTO = fourCC("CNTO"),
SUB_SCRI = fourCC("SCRI"),
SUB_BNAM = fourCC("BNAM"),
SUB_BMDT = fourCC("BMDT"),
SUB_MOD2 = fourCC("MOD2"),
SUB_MOD3 = fourCC("MOD3"),
SUB_MOD4 = fourCC("MOD4"),
SUB_MO2B = fourCC("MO2B"),
SUB_MO3B = fourCC("MO3B"),
SUB_MO4B = fourCC("MO4B"),
SUB_MO2T = fourCC("MO2T"),
SUB_MO3T = fourCC("MO3T"),
SUB_MO4T = fourCC("MO4T"),
SUB_ANAM = fourCC("ANAM"),
SUB_ENAM = fourCC("ENAM"),
SUB_ICO2 = fourCC("ICO2"),
SUB_ACBS = fourCC("ACBS"),
SUB_SPLO = fourCC("SPLO"),
SUB_AIDT = fourCC("AIDT"),
SUB_PKID = fourCC("PKID"),
SUB_HCLR = fourCC("HCLR"),
SUB_FGGS = fourCC("FGGS"),
SUB_FGGA = fourCC("FGGA"),
SUB_FGTS = fourCC("FGTS"),
SUB_KFFZ = fourCC("KFFZ"),
SUB_PFIG = fourCC("PFIG"),
SUB_PFPC = fourCC("PFPC"),
SUB_XHRS = fourCC("XHRS"),
SUB_XMRC = fourCC("XMRC"),
SUB_SNDD = fourCC("SNDD"),
SUB_SNDX = fourCC("SNDX"),
SUB_DESC = fourCC("DESC"),
SUB_ENIT = fourCC("ENIT"),
SUB_EFID = fourCC("EFID"),
SUB_EFIT = fourCC("EFIT"),
SUB_SCIT = fourCC("SCIT"),
SUB_SOUL = fourCC("SOUL"),
SUB_SLCP = fourCC("SLCP"),
SUB_CSCR = fourCC("CSCR"),
SUB_CSDI = fourCC("CSDI"),
SUB_CSDC = fourCC("CSDC"),
SUB_NIFZ = fourCC("NIFZ"),
SUB_CSDT = fourCC("CSDT"),
SUB_NAM1 = fourCC("NAM1"),
SUB_NIFT = fourCC("NIFT"),
SUB_LVLD = fourCC("LVLD"),
SUB_LVLF = fourCC("LVLF"),
SUB_LVLO = fourCC("LVLO"),
SUB_BODT = fourCC("BODT"),
SUB_YNAM = fourCC("YNAM"),
SUB_DEST = fourCC("DEST"),
SUB_DMDL = fourCC("DMDL"),
SUB_DMDS = fourCC("DMDS"),
SUB_DMDT = fourCC("DMDT"),
SUB_DSTD = fourCC("DSTD"),
SUB_DSTF = fourCC("DSTF"),
SUB_KNAM = fourCC("KNAM"),
SUB_KSIZ = fourCC("KSIZ"),
SUB_KWDA = fourCC("KWDA"),
SUB_VNAM = fourCC("VNAM"),
SUB_SDSC = fourCC("SDSC"),
SUB_MO2S = fourCC("MO2S"),
SUB_MO4S = fourCC("MO4S"),
SUB_BOD2 = fourCC("BOD2"),
SUB_BAMT = fourCC("BAMT"),
SUB_BIDS = fourCC("BIDS"),
SUB_ETYP = fourCC("ETYP"),
SUB_BMCT = fourCC("BMCT"),
SUB_MICO = fourCC("MICO"),
SUB_MIC2 = fourCC("MIC2"),
SUB_EAMT = fourCC("EAMT"),
SUB_EITM = fourCC("EITM"),
SUB_SCTX = fourCC("SCTX"),
SUB_XLTW = fourCC("XLTW"),
SUB_XMBP = fourCC("XMBP"),
SUB_XOCP = fourCC("XOCP"),
SUB_XRGB = fourCC("XRGB"),
SUB_XSPC = fourCC("XSPC"),
SUB_XTNM = fourCC("XTNM"),
SUB_ATKR = fourCC("ATKR"),
SUB_CRIF = fourCC("CRIF"),
SUB_DOFT = fourCC("DOFT"),
SUB_DPLT = fourCC("DPLT"),
SUB_ECOR = fourCC("ECOR"),
SUB_ATKD = fourCC("ATKD"),
SUB_ATKE = fourCC("ATKE"),
SUB_FTST = fourCC("FTST"),
SUB_HCLF = fourCC("HCLF"),
SUB_NAM5 = fourCC("NAM5"),
SUB_NAM6 = fourCC("NAM6"),
SUB_NAM7 = fourCC("NAM7"),
SUB_NAM8 = fourCC("NAM8"),
SUB_PRKR = fourCC("PRKR"),
SUB_PRKZ = fourCC("PRKZ"),
SUB_SOFT = fourCC("SOFT"),
SUB_SPCT = fourCC("SPCT"),
SUB_TINC = fourCC("TINC"),
SUB_TIAS = fourCC("TIAS"),
SUB_TINI = fourCC("TINI"),
SUB_TINV = fourCC("TINV"),
SUB_TPLT = fourCC("TPLT"),
SUB_VTCK = fourCC("VTCK"),
SUB_SHRT = fourCC("SHRT"),
SUB_SPOR = fourCC("SPOR"),
SUB_XHOR = fourCC("XHOR"),
SUB_CTDA = fourCC("CTDA"),
SUB_CRDT = fourCC("CRDT"),
SUB_FNMK = fourCC("FNMK"),
SUB_FNPR = fourCC("FNPR"),
SUB_WBDT = fourCC("WBDT"),
SUB_QUAL = fourCC("QUAL"),
SUB_INDX = fourCC("INDX"),
SUB_ATTR = fourCC("ATTR"),
SUB_MTNM = fourCC("MTNM"),
SUB_UNES = fourCC("UNES"),
SUB_TIND = fourCC("TIND"),
SUB_TINL = fourCC("TINL"),
SUB_TINP = fourCC("TINP"),
SUB_TINT = fourCC("TINT"),
SUB_TIRS = fourCC("TIRS"),
SUB_PHWT = fourCC("PHWT"),
SUB_AHCF = fourCC("AHCF"),
SUB_AHCM = fourCC("AHCM"),
SUB_HEAD = fourCC("HEAD"),
SUB_MPAI = fourCC("MPAI"),
SUB_MPAV = fourCC("MPAV"),
SUB_DFTF = fourCC("DFTF"),
SUB_DFTM = fourCC("DFTM"),
SUB_FLMV = fourCC("FLMV"),
SUB_FTSF = fourCC("FTSF"),
SUB_FTSM = fourCC("FTSM"),
SUB_MTYP = fourCC("MTYP"),
SUB_PHTN = fourCC("PHTN"),
SUB_RNMV = fourCC("RNMV"),
SUB_RPRF = fourCC("RPRF"),
SUB_RPRM = fourCC("RPRM"),
SUB_SNMV = fourCC("SNMV"),
SUB_SPED = fourCC("SPED"),
SUB_SWMV = fourCC("SWMV"),
SUB_WKMV = fourCC("WKMV"),
SUB_LLCT = fourCC("LLCT"),
SUB_IDLF = fourCC("IDLF"),
SUB_IDLA = fourCC("IDLA"),
SUB_IDLC = fourCC("IDLC"),
SUB_IDLT = fourCC("IDLT"),
SUB_DODT = fourCC("DODT"),
SUB_TX00 = fourCC("TX00"),
SUB_TX01 = fourCC("TX01"),
SUB_TX02 = fourCC("TX02"),
SUB_TX03 = fourCC("TX03"),
SUB_TX04 = fourCC("TX04"),
SUB_TX05 = fourCC("TX05"),
SUB_TX06 = fourCC("TX06"),
SUB_TX07 = fourCC("TX07"),
SUB_BPND = fourCC("BPND"),
SUB_BPTN = fourCC("BPTN"),
SUB_BPNN = fourCC("BPNN"),
SUB_BPNT = fourCC("BPNT"),
SUB_BPNI = fourCC("BPNI"),
SUB_RAGA = fourCC("RAGA"),
SUB_QSTI = fourCC("QSTI"),
SUB_QSTR = fourCC("QSTR"),
SUB_QSDT = fourCC("QSDT"),
SUB_SCDA = fourCC("SCDA"),
SUB_SCRO = fourCC("SCRO"),
SUB_QSTA = fourCC("QSTA"),
SUB_CTDT = fourCC("CTDT"),
SUB_SCHD = fourCC("SCHD"),
SUB_TCLF = fourCC("TCLF"),
SUB_TCLT = fourCC("TCLT"),
SUB_TRDT = fourCC("TRDT"),
SUB_TPIC = fourCC("TPIC"),
SUB_PKDT = fourCC("PKDT"),
SUB_PSDT = fourCC("PSDT"),
SUB_PLDT = fourCC("PLDT"),
SUB_PTDT = fourCC("PTDT"),
SUB_PGRP = fourCC("PGRP"),
SUB_PGRR = fourCC("PGRR"),
SUB_PGRI = fourCC("PGRI"),
SUB_PGRL = fourCC("PGRL"),
SUB_PGAG = fourCC("PGAG"),
SUB_FLTV = fourCC("FLTV"),
SUB_XHLT = fourCC("XHLT"), // Unofficial Oblivion Patch
SUB_XCHG = fourCC("XCHG"), // thievery.exp
SUB_ITXT = fourCC("ITXT"),
SUB_MO5T = fourCC("MO5T"),
SUB_MOD5 = fourCC("MOD5"),
SUB_MDOB = fourCC("MDOB"),
SUB_SPIT = fourCC("SPIT"),
SUB_PTDA = fourCC("PTDA"), // TES5
SUB_PFOR = fourCC("PFOR"), // TES5
SUB_PFO2 = fourCC("PFO2"), // TES5
SUB_PRCB = fourCC("PRCB"), // TES5
SUB_PKCU = fourCC("PKCU"), // TES5
SUB_PKC2 = fourCC("PKC2"), // TES5
SUB_CITC = fourCC("CITC"), // TES5
SUB_CIS1 = fourCC("CIS1"), // TES5
SUB_CIS2 = fourCC("CIS2"), // TES5
SUB_TIFC = fourCC("TIFC"), // TES5
SUB_ALCA = fourCC("ALCA"), // TES5
SUB_ALCL = fourCC("ALCL"), // TES5
SUB_ALCO = fourCC("ALCO"), // TES5
SUB_ALDN = fourCC("ALDN"), // TES5
SUB_ALEA = fourCC("ALEA"), // TES5
SUB_ALED = fourCC("ALED"), // TES5
SUB_ALEQ = fourCC("ALEQ"), // TES5
SUB_ALFA = fourCC("ALFA"), // TES5
SUB_ALFC = fourCC("ALFC"), // TES5
SUB_ALFD = fourCC("ALFD"), // TES5
SUB_ALFE = fourCC("ALFE"), // TES5
SUB_ALFI = fourCC("ALFI"), // TES5
SUB_ALFL = fourCC("ALFL"), // TES5
SUB_ALFR = fourCC("ALFR"), // TES5
SUB_ALID = fourCC("ALID"), // TES5
SUB_ALLS = fourCC("ALLS"), // TES5
SUB_ALNA = fourCC("ALNA"), // TES5
SUB_ALNT = fourCC("ALNT"), // TES5
SUB_ALPC = fourCC("ALPC"), // TES5
SUB_ALRT = fourCC("ALRT"), // TES5
SUB_ALSP = fourCC("ALSP"), // TES5
SUB_ALST = fourCC("ALST"), // TES5
SUB_ALUA = fourCC("ALUA"), // TES5
SUB_FLTR = fourCC("FLTR"), // TES5
SUB_QTGL = fourCC("QTGL"), // TES5
SUB_TWAT = fourCC("TWAT"), // TES5
SUB_XIBS = fourCC("XIBS"), // FO3
SUB_REPL = fourCC("REPL"), // FO3
SUB_BIPL = fourCC("BIPL"), // FO3
SUB_MODD = fourCC("MODD"), // FO3
SUB_MOSD = fourCC("MOSD"), // FO3
SUB_MO3S = fourCC("MO3S"), // FO3
SUB_XCET = fourCC("XCET"), // FO3
SUB_LVLG = fourCC("LVLG"), // FO3
SUB_NVCI = fourCC("NVCI"), // FO3
SUB_NVVX = fourCC("NVVX"), // FO3
SUB_NVTR = fourCC("NVTR"), // FO3
SUB_NVCA = fourCC("NVCA"), // FO3
SUB_NVDP = fourCC("NVDP"), // FO3
SUB_NVGD = fourCC("NVGD"), // FO3
SUB_NVEX = fourCC("NVEX"), // FO3
SUB_XHLP = fourCC("XHLP"), // FO3
SUB_XRDO = fourCC("XRDO"), // FO3
SUB_XAMT = fourCC("XAMT"), // FO3
SUB_XAMC = fourCC("XAMC"), // FO3
SUB_XRAD = fourCC("XRAD"), // FO3
SUB_XORD = fourCC("XORD"), // FO3
SUB_XCLP = fourCC("XCLP"), // FO3
SUB_NEXT = fourCC("NEXT"), // FO3
SUB_QOBJ = fourCC("QOBJ"), // FO3
SUB_POBA = fourCC("POBA"), // FO3
SUB_POCA = fourCC("POCA"), // FO3
SUB_POEA = fourCC("POEA"), // FO3
SUB_PKDD = fourCC("PKDD"), // FO3
SUB_PKD2 = fourCC("PKD2"), // FO3
SUB_PKPT = fourCC("PKPT"), // FO3
SUB_PKED = fourCC("PKED"), // FO3
SUB_PKE2 = fourCC("PKE2"), // FO3
SUB_PKAM = fourCC("PKAM"), // FO3
SUB_PUID = fourCC("PUID"), // FO3
SUB_PKW3 = fourCC("PKW3"), // FO3
SUB_PTD2 = fourCC("PTD2"), // FO3
SUB_PLD2 = fourCC("PLD2"), // FO3
SUB_PKFD = fourCC("PKFD"), // FO3
SUB_IDLB = fourCC("IDLB"), // FO3
SUB_XDCR = fourCC("XDCR"), // FO3
SUB_DALC = fourCC("DALC"), // FO3
SUB_IMPS = fourCC("IMPS"), // FO3 Anchorage
SUB_IMPF = fourCC("IMPF"), // FO3 Anchorage
SUB_XATO = fourCC("XATO"), // FONV
SUB_INFC = fourCC("INFC"), // FONV
SUB_INFX = fourCC("INFX"), // FONV
SUB_TDUM = fourCC("TDUM"), // FONV
SUB_TCFU = fourCC("TCFU"), // FONV
SUB_DAT2 = fourCC("DAT2"), // FONV
SUB_RCIL = fourCC("RCIL"), // FONV
SUB_MMRK = fourCC("MMRK"), // FONV
SUB_SCRV = fourCC("SCRV"), // FONV
SUB_SCVR = fourCC("SCVR"), // FONV
SUB_SLSD = fourCC("SLSD"), // FONV
SUB_XSRF = fourCC("XSRF"), // FONV
SUB_XSRD = fourCC("XSRD"), // FONV
SUB_WMI1 = fourCC("WMI1"), // FONV
SUB_RDID = fourCC("RDID"), // FONV
SUB_RDSB = fourCC("RDSB"), // FONV
SUB_RDSI = fourCC("RDSI"), // FONV
SUB_BRUS = fourCC("BRUS"), // FONV
SUB_VATS = fourCC("VATS"), // FONV
SUB_VANM = fourCC("VANM"), // FONV
SUB_MWD1 = fourCC("MWD1"), // FONV
SUB_MWD2 = fourCC("MWD2"), // FONV
SUB_MWD3 = fourCC("MWD3"), // FONV
SUB_MWD4 = fourCC("MWD4"), // FONV
SUB_MWD5 = fourCC("MWD5"), // FONV
SUB_MWD6 = fourCC("MWD6"), // FONV
SUB_MWD7 = fourCC("MWD7"), // FONV
SUB_WMI2 = fourCC("WMI2"), // FONV
SUB_WMI3 = fourCC("WMI3"), // FONV
SUB_WMS1 = fourCC("WMS1"), // FONV
SUB_WMS2 = fourCC("WMS2"), // FONV
SUB_WNM1 = fourCC("WNM1"), // FONV
SUB_WNM2 = fourCC("WNM2"), // FONV
SUB_WNM3 = fourCC("WNM3"), // FONV
SUB_WNM4 = fourCC("WNM4"), // FONV
SUB_WNM5 = fourCC("WNM5"), // FONV
SUB_WNM6 = fourCC("WNM6"), // FONV
SUB_WNM7 = fourCC("WNM7"), // FONV
SUB_JNAM = fourCC("JNAM"), // FONV
SUB_EFSD = fourCC("EFSD"), // FONV DeadMoney
enum MagicEffectID
// Alteration
EFI_BRDN = fourCC("BRDN"),
EFI_FTHR = fourCC("FTHR"),
EFI_FISH = fourCC("FISH"),
EFI_FRSH = fourCC("FRSH"),
EFI_OPEN = fourCC("OPNN"),
EFI_SHLD = fourCC("SHLD"),
EFI_LISH = fourCC("LISH"),
EFI_WABR = fourCC("WABR"),
EFI_WAWA = fourCC("WAWA"),
// Conjuration
EFI_BABO = fourCC("BABO"), // Bound Boots
EFI_BACU = fourCC("BACU"), // Bound Cuirass
EFI_BAGA = fourCC("BAGA"), // Bound Gauntlets
EFI_BAGR = fourCC("BAGR"), // Bound Greaves
EFI_BAHE = fourCC("BAHE"), // Bound Helmet
EFI_BASH = fourCC("BASH"), // Bound Shield
EFI_BWAX = fourCC("BWAX"), // Bound Axe
EFI_BWBO = fourCC("BWBO"), // Bound Bow
EFI_BWDA = fourCC("BWDA"), // Bound Dagger
EFI_BWMA = fourCC("BWMA"), // Bound Mace
EFI_BWSW = fourCC("BWSW"), // Bound Sword
EFI_Z001 = fourCC("Z001"), // Summon Rufio's Ghost
EFI_Z002 = fourCC("Z002"), // Summon Ancestor Guardian
EFI_Z003 = fourCC("Z003"), // Summon Spiderling
EFI_Z005 = fourCC("Z005"), // Summon Bear
EFI_ZCLA = fourCC("ZCLA"), // Summon Clannfear
EFI_ZDAE = fourCC("ZDAE"), // Summon Daedroth
EFI_ZDRE = fourCC("ZDRE"), // Summon Dremora
EFI_ZDRL = fourCC("ZDRL"), // Summon Dremora Lord
EFI_ZFIA = fourCC("ZFIA"), // Summon Flame Atronach
EFI_ZFRA = fourCC("ZFRA"), // Summon Frost Atronach
EFI_ZGHO = fourCC("ZGHO"), // Summon Ghost
EFI_ZHDZ = fourCC("ZHDZ"), // Summon Headless Zombie
EFI_ZLIC = fourCC("ZLIC"), // Summon Lich
EFI_ZSCA = fourCC("ZSCA"), // Summon Scamp
EFI_ZSKE = fourCC("ZSKE"), // Summon Skeleton
EFI_ZSKA = fourCC("ZSKA"), // Summon Skeleton Guardian
EFI_ZSKH = fourCC("ZSKH"), // Summon Skeleton Hero
EFI_ZSKC = fourCC("ZSKC"), // Summon Skeleton Champion
EFI_ZSPD = fourCC("ZSPD"), // Summon Spider Daedra
EFI_ZSTA = fourCC("ZSTA"), // Summon Storm Atronach
EFI_ZWRA = fourCC("ZWRA"), // Summon Faded Wraith
EFI_ZWRL = fourCC("ZWRL"), // Summon Gloom Wraith
EFI_ZXIV = fourCC("ZXIV"), // Summon Xivilai
EFI_ZZOM = fourCC("ZZOM"), // Summon Zombie
EFI_TURN = fourCC("TURN"), // Turn Undead
// Destruction
EFI_DGAT = fourCC("DGAT"), // Damage Attribute
EFI_DGFA = fourCC("DGFA"), // Damage Fatigue
EFI_DGHE = fourCC("DGHE"), // Damage Health
EFI_DGSP = fourCC("DGSP"), // Damage Magicka
EFI_DIAR = fourCC("DIAR"), // Disintegrate Armor
EFI_DIWE = fourCC("DIWE"), // Disintegrate Weapon
EFI_DRAT = fourCC("DRAT"), // Drain Attribute
EFI_DRFA = fourCC("DRFA"), // Drain Fatigue
EFI_DRHE = fourCC("DRHE"), // Drain Health
EFI_DRSP = fourCC("DRSP"), // Drain Magicka
EFI_DRSK = fourCC("DRSK"), // Drain Skill
EFI_FIDG = fourCC("FIDG"), // Fire Damage
EFI_FRDG = fourCC("FRDG"), // Frost Damage
EFI_SHDG = fourCC("SHDG"), // Shock Damage
EFI_WKDI = fourCC("WKDI"), // Weakness to Disease
EFI_WKFI = fourCC("WKFI"), // Weakness to Fire
EFI_WKFR = fourCC("WKFR"), // Weakness to Frost
EFI_WKMA = fourCC("WKMA"), // Weakness to Magic
EFI_WKNW = fourCC("WKNW"), // Weakness to Normal Weapons
EFI_WKPO = fourCC("WKPO"), // Weakness to Poison
EFI_WKSH = fourCC("WKSH"), // Weakness to Shock
// Illusion
EFI_CALM = fourCC("CALM"), // Calm
EFI_CHML = fourCC("CHML"), // Chameleon
EFI_CHRM = fourCC("CHRM"), // Charm
EFI_COCR = fourCC("COCR"), // Command Creature
EFI_COHU = fourCC("COHU"), // Command Humanoid
EFI_DEMO = fourCC("DEMO"), // Demoralize
EFI_FRNZ = fourCC("FRNZ"), // Frenzy
EFI_INVI = fourCC("INVI"), // Invisibility
EFI_LGHT = fourCC("LGHT"), // Light
EFI_NEYE = fourCC("NEYE"), // Night-Eye
EFI_PARA = fourCC("PARA"), // Paralyze
EFI_RALY = fourCC("RALY"), // Rally
EFI_SLNC = fourCC("SLNC"), // Silence
// Mysticism
EFI_DTCT = fourCC("DTCT"), // Detect Life
EFI_DSPL = fourCC("DSPL"), // Dispel
EFI_REDG = fourCC("REDG"), // Reflect Damage
EFI_RFLC = fourCC("RFLC"), // Reflect Spell
EFI_STRP = fourCC("STRP"), // Soul Trap
EFI_SABS = fourCC("SABS"), // Spell Absorption
EFI_TELE = fourCC("TELE"), // Telekinesis
// Restoration
EFI_ABAT = fourCC("ABAT"), // Absorb Attribute
EFI_ABFA = fourCC("ABFA"), // Absorb Fatigue
EFI_ABHe = fourCC("ABHe"), // Absorb Health
EFI_ABSP = fourCC("ABSP"), // Absorb Magicka
EFI_ABSK = fourCC("ABSK"), // Absorb Skill
EFI_1400 = fourCC("1400"), // Cure Disease
EFI_CUPA = fourCC("CUPA"), // Cure Paralysis
EFI_CUPO = fourCC("CUPO"), // Cure Poison
EFI_FOAT = fourCC("FOAT"), // Fortify Attribute
EFI_FOFA = fourCC("FOFA"), // Fortify Fatigue
EFI_FOHE = fourCC("FOHE"), // Fortify Health
EFI_FOSP = fourCC("FOSP"), // Fortify Magicka
EFI_FOSK = fourCC("FOSK"), // Fortify Skill
EFI_RSDI = fourCC("RSDI"), // Resist Disease
EFI_RSFI = fourCC("RSFI"), // Resist Fire
EFI_RSFR = fourCC("RSFR"), // Resist Frost
EFI_RSMA = fourCC("RSMA"), // Resist Magic
EFI_RSNW = fourCC("RSNW"), // Resist Normal Weapons
EFI_RSPA = fourCC("RSPA"), // Resist Paralysis
EFI_RSPO = fourCC("RSPO"), // Resist Poison
EFI_RSSH = fourCC("RSSH"), // Resist Shock
EFI_REAT = fourCC("REAT"), // Restore Attribute
EFI_REFA = fourCC("REFA"), // Restore Fatigue
EFI_REHE = fourCC("REHE"), // Restore Health
EFI_RESP = fourCC("RESP"), // Restore Magicka
// Effects
EFI_LOCK = fourCC("LOCK"), // Lock Lock
EFI_SEFF = fourCC("SEFF"), // Script Effect
EFI_Z020 = fourCC("Z020"), // Summon 20 Extra
EFI_MYHL = fourCC("MYHL"), // Summon Mythic Dawn Helmet
EFI_MYTH = fourCC("MYTH"), // Summon Mythic Dawn Armor
EFI_REAN = fourCC("REAN"), // Reanimate
EFI_DISE = fourCC("DISE"), // Disease Info
EFI_POSN = fourCC("POSN"), // Poison Info
EFI_DUMY = fourCC("DUMY"), // Mehrunes Dagon Custom Effect
EFI_STMA = fourCC("STMA"), // Stunted Magicka
EFI_SUDG = fourCC("SUDG"), // Sun Damage
EFI_VAMP = fourCC("VAMP"), // Vampirism
EFI_DARK = fourCC("DARK"), // Darkness
EFI_RSWD = fourCC("RSWD") // Resist Water Damage
// Based on http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:Mod_File_Format#Groups
enum GroupType
Grp_RecordType = 0,
Grp_WorldChild = 1,
Grp_InteriorCell = 2,
Grp_InteriorSubCell = 3,
Grp_ExteriorCell = 4,
Grp_ExteriorSubCell = 5,
Grp_CellChild = 6,
Grp_TopicChild = 7,
Grp_CellPersistentChild = 8,
Grp_CellTemporaryChild = 9,
Grp_CellVisibleDistChild = 10
// Based on http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:Mod_File_Format#Records
enum RecordFlag
Rec_ESM = 0x00000001, // (TES4 record only) Master (ESM) file.
Rec_Deleted = 0x00000020, // Deleted
Rec_Constant = 0x00000040, // Constant
Rec_HiddenLMap = 0x00000040, // (REFR) Hidden From Local Map (Needs Confirmation: Related to shields)
Rec_Localized = 0x00000080, // (TES4 record only) Is localized. This will make Skyrim load the
// .STRINGS, .DLSTRINGS, and .ILSTRINGS files associated with the mod.
// If this flag is not set, lstrings are treated as zstrings.
Rec_FireOff = 0x00000080, // (PHZD) Turn off fire
Rec_UpdateAnim = 0x00000100, // Must Update Anims
Rec_NoAccess = 0x00000100, // (REFR) Inaccessible
Rec_Hidden = 0x00000200, // (REFR) Hidden from local map
Rec_StartDead = 0x00000200, // (ACHR) Starts dead /(REFR) MotionBlurCastsShadows
Rec_Persistent = 0x00000400, // Quest item / Persistent reference
Rec_DispMenu = 0x00000400, // (LSCR) Displays in Main Menu
Rec_Disabled = 0x00000800, // Initially disabled
Rec_Ignored = 0x00001000, // Ignored
Rec_VisDistant = 0x00008000, // Visible when distant
Rec_RandAnim = 0x00010000, // (ACTI) Random Animation Start
Rec_Danger = 0x00020000, // (ACTI) Dangerous / Off limits (Interior cell)
// Dangerous Can't be set withough Ignore Object Interaction
Rec_Compressed = 0x00040000, // Data is compressed
Rec_CanNotWait = 0x00080000, // Can't wait
Rec_IgnoreObj = 0x00100000, // (ACTI) Ignore Object Interaction
// Ignore Object Interaction Sets Dangerous Automatically
Rec_Marker = 0x00800000, // Is Marker
Rec_Obstacle = 0x02000000, // (ACTI) Obstacle / (REFR) No AI Acquire
Rec_NavMFilter = 0x04000000, // NavMesh Gen - Filter
Rec_NavMBBox = 0x08000000, // NavMesh Gen - Bounding Box
Rec_ExitToTalk = 0x10000000, // (FURN) Must Exit to Talk
Rec_Refected = 0x10000000, // (REFR) Reflected By Auto Water
Rec_ChildUse = 0x20000000, // (FURN/IDLM) Child Can Use
Rec_NoHavok = 0x20000000, // (REFR) Don't Havok Settle
Rec_NavMGround = 0x40000000, // NavMesh Gen - Ground
Rec_NoRespawn = 0x40000000, // (REFR) NoRespawn
Rec_MultiBound = 0x80000000 // (REFR) MultiBound
#pragma pack(push, 1)
// NOTE: the label field of a group is not reliable (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Mod_File_Format)
union GroupLabel
std::uint32_t value; // formId, blockNo or raw int representation of type
char recordType[4]; // record type in ascii
std::int16_t grid[2]; // grid y, x (note the reverse order)
struct GroupTypeHeader
std::uint32_t typeId;
std::uint32_t groupSize; // includes the 24 bytes (20 for TES4) of header (i.e. this struct)
GroupLabel label; // format based on type
std::int32_t type;
std::uint16_t stamp; // & 0xff for day, & 0xff00 for months since Dec 2002 (i.e. 1 = Jan 2003)
std::uint16_t unknown;
std::uint16_t version; // not in TES4
std::uint16_t unknown2; // not in TES4
struct RecordTypeHeader
std::uint32_t typeId;
std::uint32_t dataSize; // does *not* include 24 bytes (20 for TES4) of header
std::uint32_t flags;
FormId id;
std::uint32_t revision;
std::uint16_t version; // not in TES4
std::uint16_t unknown; // not in TES4
union RecordHeader
struct GroupTypeHeader group;
struct RecordTypeHeader record;
struct SubRecordHeader
std::uint32_t typeId;
std::uint16_t dataSize;
// Grid, CellGrid and Vertex are shared by NVMI(NAVI) and NVNM(NAVM)
struct Grid
std::int16_t x;
std::int16_t y;
union CellGrid
FormId cellId;
Grid grid;
struct Vertex
float x;
float y;
float z;
#pragma pack(pop)
// For pretty printing GroupHeader labels
std::string printLabel(const GroupLabel& label, const std::uint32_t type);
void gridToString(std::int16_t x, std::int16_t y, std::string& str);
#endif // ESM4_COMMON_H