@ -25,8 +25,12 @@ module gui.gui;
import monster.monster;
import monster.monster;
import monster.vm.mclass;
import monster.vm.mclass;
import monster.modules.console;
import input.events : exitProgram;
import gui.bindings;
import gui.bindings;
import bullet.bindings;
import std.string;
import std.string;
import std.stdio;
// Widget class and gui module
// Widget class and gui module
@ -253,4 +257,35 @@ void setupGUIScripts()
gmc.bind("loadLayout", &loadLayout);
gmc.bind("loadLayout", &loadLayout);
gmc.bind("getWidth", &getWidth);
gmc.bind("getWidth", &getWidth);
gmc.bind("getHeight", &getHeight);
gmc.bind("getHeight", &getHeight);
// Set up the console
auto cmc = vm.load("Console");
auto cmo = cmc.createObject;
cons = new Console(cmo);
// Bind native functions
cmc.bind("walk", { bullet_walk(); });
cmc.bind("fly", { bullet_fly(); });
cmc.bind("ghost", { bullet_ghost(); });
cmc.bind("setfont", { gui_setConsoleFont(toStringz(stack.popString8())); });
cmc.bind("clear", { gui_clearConsole(); });
cmc.bind("exit", { exitProgram(); });
cmc.bind("wireframe", { writefln("Wireframe not fixed yet"); });
Console cons;
// Some glue code that will go away later when we use the C++
// interface to Monster directly.
int console_input(char* str)
char[] dstr = toString(str);
return cons.input(dstr);
char* console_output()
char[] dstr = cons.output();
return toStringz(dstr);