forked from mirror/openmw-tes3mp
Certain OpenAL implementations, including Rapture3D, Creative's hardware drivers, and more recent versions of OpenAL Soft, can batch together changes so that they all occur at once, avoiding potential discontinuities with one sound being changed before another, or the listeenr being changed before sounds are. On other implementaitons, this is a no-op and maintains existing behavior.
82 lines
2.7 KiB
82 lines
2.7 KiB
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <deque>
#include "alc.h"
#include "al.h"
#include "sound_output.hpp"
namespace MWSound
class SoundManager;
class Sound;
class OpenAL_Sound;
class OpenAL_SoundStream;
class OpenAL_Output : public Sound_Output
ALCdevice *mDevice;
ALCcontext *mContext;
typedef std::deque<ALuint> IDDq;
IDDq mFreeSources;
typedef std::vector<OpenAL_Sound*> SoundVec;
SoundVec mActiveSounds;
typedef std::vector<OpenAL_SoundStream*> StreamVec;
StreamVec mActiveStreams;
Environment mLastEnvironment;
virtual std::vector<std::string> enumerate();
virtual void init(const std::string &devname="");
virtual void deinit();
virtual Sound_Handle loadSound(const std::string &fname);
virtual void unloadSound(Sound_Handle data);
virtual size_t getSoundDataSize(Sound_Handle data) const;
/// @param offset Value from [0,1] meaning from which fraction the sound the playback starts.
virtual MWBase::SoundPtr playSound(Sound_Handle data, float vol, float basevol, float pitch, int flags, float offset);
/// @param offset Value from [0,1] meaning from which fraction the sound the playback starts.
virtual MWBase::SoundPtr playSound3D(Sound_Handle data, const osg::Vec3f &pos,
float vol, float basevol, float pitch, float min, float max, int flags, float offset);
virtual MWBase::SoundPtr streamSound(DecoderPtr decoder, float basevol, float pitch, int flags);
virtual MWBase::SoundPtr streamSound3D(DecoderPtr decoder, const osg::Vec3f &pos,
float vol, float basevol, float pitch, float min, float max, int flags);
virtual void startUpdate();
virtual void finishUpdate();
virtual void updateListener(const osg::Vec3f &pos, const osg::Vec3f &atdir, const osg::Vec3f &updir, Environment env);
virtual void pauseSounds(int types);
virtual void resumeSounds(int types);
OpenAL_Output& operator=(const OpenAL_Output &rhs);
OpenAL_Output(const OpenAL_Output &rhs);
OpenAL_Output(SoundManager &mgr);
virtual ~OpenAL_Output();
struct StreamThread;
std::auto_ptr<StreamThread> mStreamThread;
friend class OpenAL_Sound;
friend class OpenAL_Sound3D;
friend class OpenAL_SoundStream;
friend class OpenAL_SoundStream3D;
friend class SoundManager;
#define DEFAULT_OUTPUT(x) ::MWSound::OpenAL_Output((x))