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#include <chrono>
#include <string>
namespace DetourNavigator
struct RecastSettings
float mCellHeight = 0;
float mCellSize = 0;
float mDetailSampleDist = 0;
float mDetailSampleMaxError = 0;
float mMaxClimb = 0;
float mMaxSimplificationError = 0;
float mMaxSlope = 0;
float mRecastScaleFactor = 0;
float mSwimHeightScale = 0;
int mBorderSize = 0;
int mMaxEdgeLen = 0;
int mMaxVertsPerPoly = 0;
int mRegionMergeArea = 0;
int mRegionMinArea = 0;
int mTileSize = 0;
struct DetourSettings
int mMaxPolys = 0;
int mMaxNavMeshQueryNodes = 0;
std::size_t mMaxPolygonPathSize = 0;
std::size_t mMaxSmoothPathSize = 0;
struct Settings
bool mEnableWriteRecastMeshToFile = false;
bool mEnableWriteNavMeshToFile = false;
bool mEnableRecastMeshFileNameRevision = false;
bool mEnableNavMeshFileNameRevision = false;
bool mEnableNavMeshDiskCache = false;
bool mWriteToNavMeshDb = false;
RecastSettings mRecast;
DetourSettings mDetour;
int mWaitUntilMinDistanceToPlayer = 0;
int mMaxTilesNumber = 0;
std::size_t mAsyncNavMeshUpdaterThreads = 0;
std::size_t mMaxNavMeshTilesCacheSize = 0;
std::string mRecastMeshPathPrefix;
std::string mNavMeshPathPrefix;
std::chrono::milliseconds mMinUpdateInterval;
std::uint64_t mMaxDbFileSize = 0;
inline constexpr std::int64_t navMeshFormatVersion = 2;
Settings makeSettingsFromSettingsManager();