Although b4e8560698 made players instantly able to see each other on minimalist servers that did not change their cells from the default, it created problems with the default CoreScripts where players need to be logged in before receipt of a CellStates packet from them is taken into account, with the result being that a player was recorded as having loaded their initial cells on the server's C++ side but not on the Lua side.
It may simply be best to expect servers to set player cells.
Since the beginnings of TES3MP, equipment packets have only been sent whenever an item has been replaced by an item with a different refId, with changes in an item's charge or count not sending a packet (but being included in the next packet sent as a result of a refId change). The reason for this was ostensibly the fact that every single equipment packet always included the details for all 19 equipment items (as per Koncord's original design decision), which would have led to massive packet spam if such a packet was sent every time you shot an arrow or lost a little bit of your armor's condition.
With minimalist equipment packets, it is now viable to send equipment packets whenever any item changes in some way, by having the equipment packet contain only that one item.
Previously, the index changes were not cleared at the start of their corresponding update functions, which in turn meant that an Attribute/Skill/StatsDynamic/Equipment packet received by a player from the server made that player send back the same packet, as the index changes from it were retained.
Additionally, exchangeFullInfo was not set to false, thus sometimes leading to constant full exchanges of information.
Previously, whenever a single attribute value changed for a player, that player then sent a PlayerAttribute packet with all values for all 8 attributes.
This did not cause anywhere as much packet spam as PlayerSkill used to, but there was no good reason not to fix it as well.
(cherry picked from commit b0965f094a)
Previously, whenever a single skill value changed for a player, that player then sent a PlayerSkill packet with all values for all 27 skills, plus the player's progress towards the next level and the bonuses to each attribute on the next level up as the result of sklll increases thus far.
This commit makes PlayerSkill contain only the values of specific skills, moves the player's progress towards the next level to PlayerLevel packets, and moves the bonuses to each attribute on the next level up to PlayerAttribute packets.
Players now also send a PlayerSkill packet whenever their progress towards a new point in a skill changes. This was previously avoided so as to not have massive packet spam.
(cherry picked from commit ef79a98544)
Previously, an attempt by the server to simultaneously change a player's cell and skills (as you'd expect when a player file is loaded) led to:
1) The server sending the cell packet first and the skill packet afterwards
2) The player receiving the cell packet and sending their own skill packet as part of the client's forced skill update
3) The player receiving the skill packet from the server
4) The server receiving the skill packet from the player
The result was that, if the player then left the server without sending another skill packet, the server's memory retained the skills the player had sent instead of the skills it had sent to the player.
This is the first step in a solution to that situation and similar ones.
(cherry picked from commit cac4684986)
Note: In 0.6.x, this was only a problem if a player's cell was set by the server first and their skills were set next, i.e. this was not a problem in the default CoreScripts because the opposite order used there masked the problem. It was a more significant problem in 0.7 because all packets were queued for a player and sent in a specific hardcoded order.
Previously, after finishing the TES3MP chargen once, mCreationStage was set to 4 in OpenMW, which in turn made it impossible to go through only specific chargen menus again as the result of the relevant TES3MP script function (tes3mp.SetCharGenStage(pid, startStage, endStage) in 0.6.3, player:setCharGenStages(startStage, endStage) in 0.7). In other words, trying to allow a player to just choose their class again made it so the player started at that menu and went through all the other subsequent menus as well, i.e. the player went through the class, birthsign and review menus.